Pinal County Air Quality September 11, 2008 PM 10 Natural/Exceptional Event
September 11, 2008 Strong outflow winds associated with monsoon storm development caused significant areas of blowing dust. The Maximum winds reached 43 mph and five PCAQCD monitor exceeded the 24-hr PM 10 NAAQS. PM hr SiteAQS Site# Conc. (ug/m 3 ) –PCH (3) –Casa Grande (3) –Combs (3) –Stanfield (3) –Maricopa (3) 170.4
Start of wall of dust formation
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
Wall of dust moving East
9/11/08 “But for” Test PCH (TEOM) had the following 24-hr PM 10 concentrations before/after the 9/11/08 natural/exceptional event –9/10/08 – 33.6 ug/m 3 –9/12/08 – 55.9 ug/m 3 Casa Grande –9/10/ ug/m 3 –9/12/08 – 49.0 ug/m 3 Combs –9/10/ ug/m 3 –9/12/08 – 75.3 ug/m 3 Stanfield –9/10/ ug/m 3 –9/12/08 – 55.1 ug/m 3 Maricopa –9/10/ ug/m 3 –9/12/08 – 60.6 ug/m 3