PSY 208c6/1/20161 Infant Social & Personality (Chapter 6 & 7) I. Attachment Theory & Definitions II. Development of Attachment ** Case Studies (Project) ** III. Guiding Principles
PSY 208c6/1/20162 Good Morning ! n Class discussion n Journal readings.
PSY 208c6/1/20163 I. Attachment Theory and Definitions n Origins of current attachment theory –Bowlby’s synthesis of ethology and Harlow’s work with separation in monkeys (video clip) –Failure to thrive (video clip) –Ainsworth’s Strange Situation research method
PSY 208c6/1/20164 THE DANCE! n Interaction between the caregiver/parent and the infant. n The sensitive caregiver and the “well equipped child” n If “ The Dance” works the child develops trust. n Trust turns to exploration of the world. Free to explore. n Exploration turns to successful learning and positive relationships.
PSY 208c6/1/20165 Temperament n Infants- Innate n Caregiver n Discrepancy n Need to adapt.
PSY 208c6/1/20166 Separation Anxiety (Bowlby) n Promotes survival of the species n This is attachment. n When the caregiver leaves the room, the child becomes upset. n Feeding is not the basis. n “Bond” forms from interactions of mother and child at birth. n Preattachment: Cry at birth. Know smell and voice. Not attached. Nurse can care for newborn.
PSY 208c6/1/20167 Attachment Phrases n Attachment - in - the – making n Infant responds differently to parent and a stranger. The look/stare, head back or head buried phrase. n No protest when mother leaves n Babbles more and quiets more easily with with mother.
PSY 208c6/1/20168 Secure Attachment n Parent is the secure base. n Prefer parent to stranger n When parent returns to situation, seek contact, hold out arms… n Ending crying.
PSY 208c6/1/20169 Avoidant Attachment n Unresponsive to parent when she is present n Not distressed. n React to stranger same way as parent n Slow to greet. n No eye contact.
PSY 208c6/1/ Resistant Attachment n Seek closeness, but do not explore. n Cling n Display anger and resistant behavior on return n Hit and push parent away. n Not easily comforted
PSY 208c6/1/ Attachment
PSY 208c6/1/ n Definitions –Affectional bond: “A relatively long-enduring tie in which the partner is important as a unique individual and is interchangeable with none other. There is a desire to maintain closeness to the partner.” –Attachment: “A subvariety of emotional bond in which a persons’ sense of security is bound up in the relationship. Safe base.” –Attachment behaviors: “Those behaviors that allow a child or adult to achieve and retain proximity to someone else to whom he is attached.” (smiling, making eye contact, calling out, touching, clinging, crying)
PSY 208c6/1/ Things That Can Go AWRY…
PSY 208c6/1/ n Commentary on the definitions n The strange situation research method –Eight episodes in Sroufe’s Attachment video. –Criteria for secure attachment (see notes about video on back of project handout).
PSY 208c6/1/ III. Guiding Principles n Erikson’s ideas n Basic emotions vs. self-conscious emotions n Differences in temperament –Genetic bases –Environmental influences: goodness-of-fit
PSY 208c6/1/ Guiding Principles (cont.) n Attachment –Ethological theory, Bowlby. –Four phases (including separation anxiety, secure base). –Internal working model. –Strange Situation research method. –Four types (secure and three insecure). –Interactional synchrony (the “dance”) –Abuse –Day care. –Effects on later development.
PSY 208c6/1/ IV. Co-Sleeping n See Cultural Influences box on page 122 (C.4). n My research questions:
PSY 208c6/1/ Case Studies Project What to look for in the When the Bough Breaks video... n The circumstances or experiences of the mothers. n What you see the mothers doing or what you learn that they have been doing. n What the children’s responses are and what the responses seem to indicate. n What therapeutic methods are used. n What changes you see in the parents and the children.