Cochran Group: Plan for this Week
What are we trying to do and how will we do it? We need to do the following things: Clean (everyone) Inventory (everyone) Create an online & physical system for keeping track of everything (I will offer to take responsibility of this) This is how it’s going to get done: Everyone’s cooperation; please avoid running any reactions in 3136 or These will only serve to get in the way and probably make our inventory inaccurate Avoid having other things that need to be done. I understand that there are things that are unavoidable, Mengguo and I have class, Austin has some personal things, etc. Just please don’t say “oh well I have to do this three hour characterization on this material and can’t be there”.
When should we be done I’m hoping by Wednesday or Thursday we’ll have everything inventoried and cleaned. It will take longer to get an online system going, but there should be a physical one.
Avoiding Future Disorder Put things back where they belong! Everything will have a home. Make sure it stays there. If not we’ll have wasted a week’s worth of work to no point. Help out with the things we are all expected to do. Examples: Reporting waste: I have intentionally not done it to see if anyone else would, and I’m disappointed to say that no one has (or only did so after being asked to) Filling up solvent bottles Going to chem stores when you need something instead of just waiting for someone else to need it too.
Specifics Monday We need to get everything cleaned, including all the dishes. If there are dishes that are not able to be cleaned, set them to the side; we’ll take them over to Chris’ lab We need to get as much moved over to 3128 as we can. Leave a walking path to the sink and make sure that Sri has space to get around our stuff as much as possible. He was gracious enough to allow us to use this lab for a couple of days, so long as he can continue to work. Nothing that is incredibly dirty can go over there. Also, nothing with oil. There are obviously some things that are going to remain in the labs. We’ll talk about what those will be.
Specifics (Cont.) Tuesday We need to start moving stuff back over and cataloging what we have. I want a picture of anything that is significant. Pens, pencils, tapes, etc. are not significant. We’ll have sheets of paper set up with each drawer/cabinets identification. If you put something in that drawer make sure you mark it down. Make 3132 & 3136 matching as much as possible. If there are things that we rarely if ever use, we’ll store them in 3132 as that has less person traffic.
Specifics (Cont.) Wednesday Same as Tuesday. I hope to be done by the end of the day; however, if we need to go into Thursday we need to go into Thursday.
Last remarks We’ll be moving over equipment and glassware: be careful Everyone is expected to do their part. If you can’t participate fully during the day, contact me and ask me where we’re at and come in during the evening. I will be doing the same for the same reasons, so there should be someone else there.