Governor Christie’s Educator Effectiveness Task Force Report March 1, 2011
1 Educator effectiveness is the most important in-school factor for improving student achievement. “ Having a top-quartile teacher rather than a bottom-quartile teacher four years in a row could be enough to close the black-white test score gap.” Gordon, Kane and Staiger, 2006 “ The effect of increases in teacher quality swamps the impact of any other educational investment, such as reductions in class size.” Goldhaber, 2009 Research
2 Achievement gap and global rankings “The Widget Effect” and other research From teaching to learning environment “Race to the Top” and focus on educator effectiveness Governor’s Executive Order No. 42 Contextual Background
3 9 members Design a framework to measure teacher and leader effectiveness, based on two parameters: – multiple measures of student achievement that represent at least 50% of the teacher/school leader evaluation – practices of effective teachers and school leaders that comprise the remaining basis for such evaluations Executive Order No. 42
4 High-quality evaluation systems will enable districts and the state to: improve personnel decisions awarding of tenure setting of compensation levels identify and address professional development needs and therefore drive significant improvements in student learning. Governor Christie’s Education Reform Plan
6 The framework must include: – Definition of an effective teacher/leader (clear standards that describe the characteristics of effective and ineffective teaching) – What measures should be used to evaluate effectiveness – What components and tools are needed to conduct the evaluations (e.g., rubrics, student surveys, documentation logs, etc.) – What activities are needed to support the implementation of the evaluation system (e.g., training, professional development, development of multiple assessments, student growth data) Task Force Goals
7 #1: The needs of students are paramount public education is society’s means of ensuring that all children have the chance to reach their full potential and lead healthy, productive, and satisfying lives when the interests of adults and children don’t align it is our duty to side with the latter Task Force Guiding Principles
8 #2: All children can achieve at the highest levels a child’s neighborhood, race, and family income do not have to determine destiny the purpose of public education is to lead all students to high levels of achievement no matter where they begin Task Force Guiding Principles
9 #3: Educators have the power to inspire, engage, and broaden the life opportunities of students they must be equipped with the right skills, knowledge, and dispositions and given the proper supports They must be held accountable for their students’ learning Task Force Guiding Principles
10 A high-quality evaluation system assesses the effectiveness of educators and differentiates between those excelling and those struggling. A strong evaluation system helps educators become more effective: Clear expectations Meaningful feedback Facilitate collaboration Linked to professional development Purpose of an Educator Evaluation System
11 Multiple measures, rigorous, standardized, flexible The NJ Commissioner should develop a list of approved observation protocols and measurement tools. Districts may submit for approval measurement tools that have not yet been accepted by the state. Requirements: standards-based rigorous valid and reliable Task Force Recommendations: Essential Features
12 Summative Rating Categories Four summative categories: Highly Effective Effective Partially Effective Ineffective Task Force Recommendations: Essential Features
13 Recommended Framework for the New Teacher Evaluation System Task Force Recommendations
14 Measures of Teacher Practice: 50% Use the new national core standards (INTASC) as the basis for teacher evaluations. Use state-approved measurement tools to collect and review evidence: One classroom observation protocol: 25%-48% At least one additional tool to assess teacher practice: 2.5%-25% Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Teachers
15 Measures of Student Achievement: 50% Direct measures of student achievement as demonstrated by assessments and other evaluations of student work. Use measures of student growth--they account for a teacher’s contribution to his/her students’ progress give credit for progress made during the school year Include pre- and post-tests NJ capacity to provide growth scores: generate growth scores in fall 2011 tie growth scores to teachers by fall 2012 only LA and math statewide assessments in grades 3-8, 11 Task Force recommends the state approve assessments or performance tasks that generate growth scores in all subjects and grades. Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Teachers
16 Measures of Student Achievement: 50% Two required components: students’ growth on state-approved assessments or performance-based evaluations: 35% - 45% state-approved schoolwide performance measure: 5% - aggregation of all students’ growth - a school- specific goal based on an area of need (e.g., graduation rates, promotion rates, college matriculation rates) One optional measure of performance: 0%-10% - nationally normed tests, supplemental assessments, end of course tests Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Teachers
17 Measures of Student Achievement: 50% Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Teachers
18 Measures of effective practice based on ISLLC: 40% Differential retention of effective teachers (hiring and retaining effective teachers and exiting poor performers): 10% Measures of student achievement: 50% Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Principals
19 Measures of Leadership Practice: 40% Standards: Adopt the updated Educational Leadership Policy Standards (ISLLC 2008) as the basis for principal evaluations. Performance indicators: Commissioner should develop or adopt statewide performance indicators to establish clear and consistent expectations for all principals. (Performance indicators describe the types of performance that will occur if a standard is being met successfully.) Evidence of Performance: include multiple data sources for gathering evidence of performance. Evaluation Tools Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Principals
20 Measures of Leadership Practice: 40% Districts should be able to choose the data sources and tools they wish to use from a list of state-approved rubrics, templates, and tools. Develop a waiver process for districts to submit locally developed tools for approval. Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Principals
21 Differential Retention of Effective Teachers: 10% The principal’s success in building and maintaining a high-quality faculty is critical to school success. Indices used to measure differential retention: Principal’s effectiveness in improving teacher effectiveness (growth of teachers’ ratings) Principal’s effectiveness in recruiting and retaining effective teachers Principal’s effectiveness in exiting ineffective teachers Note: principals can only be judged against this measure if they are given a clear role in teacher hiring, organizing professional development, dismissing ineffective teachers. Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Principals
22 Measures of Student Achievement: 50% A principal’s evaluation should be based substantially on empirical measures of student learning. Two different measures of achievement that should be included in the principal’s evaluation: aggregated student growth: 35% “school-specific goals:” 15% An area of need identified by the school or district Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Principals
23 Measures of Student Achievement: 50% Examples of “School-specific goals:” High school graduation rate increase Promotion rates from 9th to 10 grade College matriculation rate increase Proficiency level increases for an underserved subgroup Advanced level increases for the school or subgroups Student attainment level or proficiency increase on nationally normed or supplemental assessments [e.g., Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), Stanford 9, International Baccalaureate, APA, SAT, ACT, early childhood] Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Principals
24 Measures of Student Achievement Task Force Recommendations: Evaluation of Principals
25 The conditions for success will lay the foundation and build the support structure for this new system. Engaging teachers and principals Training observers and educators Supporting educators in their mastery of their craft Developing high-quality data systems Developing high-quality assessments Reconsidering Priorities Developing additional observers Continuous improvement Increased principal autonomy Teachers of special populations Superintendent evaluation Evaluations for all Continuously monitoring the system’s effects Task Force Recommendations: Conditions for Success
26 Next Steps 1. Solicit feedback from the State Board of Education and other education experts and stakeholders 2. Further study of appropriate performance measures for teachers of special populations and non-tested subjects and grades 3. Develop recommendations for implementing the new evaluation system, including the possible use of pilots Task Force Recommendations: Next Steps
27 Questions and comments??? Task Force Recommendations