AP Agenda for Sept. 16/17, 2013 Daily Objective: To understand the vocabulary to be successful on the AP Exam Daily Assignments: Assign Literary Terms Assignment #2- due next Monday, Sept. 23( for A Day) and Tuesday, Sept. 24 (for B Day); The National Literary Term Bee will (tentatively) be Monday, Sept. 30 (for B Day) and Tuesday, Oct. 1 (for A Day); Your quiz on these terms will be Thursday, October 3 (for A Day) and Friday, October 4 (for B Day) Do AP MC Practice #3 Work on literary terms or One Child Index
AP Agenda for Sept. 18, 2013 Daily Objective: To understand the major plot points and characters of A Walk in the Woods Daily Assignments: Watch Harry Potter clip to analyze tone and share your tone word (with a twist!) then Create a Board Game based on A Walk in the Woods in a group that deals with the places, people, and events of A Walk in the Woods on the chapters your group are assigned. Your game should include a decorative board, player pieces, a written book of rules, and explanations for how and why you chose what people, places, and events to represent. Five important quotations should somehow be woven in, either on board spaces, playing cards, etc. (Note: The game should actually be able playable!!) On Friday, your literary terms will be due at the beginning of the period; we will also be completing our Kobald’s Bag Activity, which is described on p. 139
AP Agenda for Sept. 19/20, 2013 Daily Objective: To significantly raise our delicate self-esteem by taking to heart the sincere compliments our classmates write to us. Daily Assignment: Turn in Literary Terms Assignment #1 A Day only—Watch Harry Potter clip to analyze tone Complete Kobald’s Bag Activity Discuss A Walk in the Woods and One Child using Topics of Discussion in Guidebook WARNING: AP Essay #2, a rhetorical analysis on A Walk in the Woods or One Child will be Monday for A Day and Tuesday for B Day, which is the same day your Literary Terms Assignment #2 is due.
ENC 1101 Agenda for September 17, 2013 Daily Objective: To understand how to independently read college-level texts for comprehension. Daily Assignment: Read riddles in Literature book and write/share a riddle Work on finishing review of articles in Readers for Writers book—due Thursday Work on peer editing of your Old School essay; so you know—you will need to rely on your peer’s comments to help you improve your writing. If you would like to meet with me about your essay, I am available before school at 8:00 am-class start time, during study hall, or after-school until 5:00 pm. Remember: Your final draft of your essay is due Thursday by 11:59 pm (and you will have half the period to work on it); you should also bring your Readings for Writers book on Wednesday
ENC 1101 Agenda for September 19, 2013 Daily Objective: To effectively incorporate literary criticism into an essay. Daily Assignment: Pass out Review Guide for next Wednesday’s MidMidterm Test (worth 200 points) Go over the Readings for Writers selections on this week’s syllabus On own: What is a Writer’s Voice, Tone: The Writer’s Voice, The Waltz; Division/Classification (which your next essay will be) Together: Move Over Teams, Incidents with White People, Warriors Don’t Cry