Module 03 Style in Scientific Writing
What’s Inside Style in Scientific Writing Technical Writing Applying technical terms in Scientific Writing
Style in Writing
Sentence Usage
Technical Writing The term "technical" refers to knowledge that is not widespread, that is more the territory of experts and specialists. Another key part of the definition of technical communications is the receiver of the information—the audience. Technical communications is the delivery of technical information to readers (or listeners or viewers) in a manner that is adapted to their needs, level of understanding, and background. This ability to "translate" technical information to nonspecialists is a key skill to any technical communicator.
Technical Report If you are planning a technical report, your job in this unit then is define the following: 1.Report topic: Decide what subject you are going to write on; narrow it as much as possible. 2.Report audience: Define a specific person or group of people for whom you are going to write the report. Define the circumstances in which this report is needed. 3.Report purpose: Define what the report will accomplish—what needs of the audience it is going to fufill. 4.Report type: Decide on the type of report—for example, technical background report, feasibility report, instructions, or some other.
Types of Technical Reports Technical-background report. The background report is the hardest to define but the most commonly written. This type of technical report provides background on a topic—for example, global warming, CD- ROM technology, etc. However, the information on the topic is not just for anybody who might be interested in the topic, but for some individual or group that has specific needs for it and is even willing to pay for that information. Feasibility, recommendation, and evaluation reports. Another useful type of report is one that studies a problem or opportunity and then makes a recommendation. A feasibility report tells whether a project is "feasible"—that is, whether it is practical and technologically possible. A recommendation report compares two or more alternatives and recommends one (or, if necessary, none). An evaluation or assessment report studies something in terms of its worth or value For example, a college might investigate the feasibility of giving every student an address and putting many of the college functions online. Primary research report. Primary research refers to the actual work someone does in a laboratory or in the field—in other words, experiments and surveys.
Audience and Situation in Technical Reports 1.Why does the audience need this information? 2.How will readers get access to this information?
Visual Structure in Technical Writing
Visual Structure