“Ultimately, you will not be harmed. You may die in the physical sense, but your spirit will not be crushed. God will be with you and save you for the kind of life that lasts forever.”
He is portrayed as a wise man His kind of wisdom is sometimes described as mantic wisdom: It consists in his ability to interpret dreams
The author of the book tried to inspire the Jews to nonviolent resistance “Resist oppression with all your heart” It also points to life after death, to resurrection, and to hope in God despite circumstances that seem overwhelming and defeating.
The author had to avoid any direct references to the Greek oppressors in his writing. As a result, the book is filled with code names and plenty of analogies
First section Chapters 1-6 are stories about Daniel and his friends Chapters 7-12 consist of multiple revelations received by Daniel, which are explained to him by an angel. These chapters are known as apocalyptic. Second section
Apocalyptic literature Was intended to give hope and inspiration to those oppressed by powerful forces. It affirms that in the great cosmic struggle between good and evil in the world, the power of good- that is, the power of God- will prevail in the end. It has been misunderstood to predict certain real events in the future.
Apocalypse comes from the Greek word meaning “unveiling,” “disclosure,” “revelation” The revelation is given either through a vision or through a report from some mediator, usually an angel.
The heart of the apocalyptic world-view is a profound disillusionment with the present order a sense of powerlessness to effect any changes for the better a conviction that this worthless age is about to end.
Fight response Maccabees: Defend ourselves Kill them Daniel (and other apocalyptic writers): Write “bad things” about enemy Use code language so the enemy does not understand Cosmic battle- good vs. evil, God vs. devil God will fight for them Flight response
Fight response How would each response apply to each of the examples below: 1. Someone bulling you 2. Your girlfriend cheated on you 3. Your best friend is going out with your ex 4. Someone writes unkind things about you on facebook Flight response