WI 4 (CWA1): Guidelines for machine-processable representation of Dublin Core Application Profiles Pete Johnston, UKOLN, University of Bath Thomas Baker,


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Presentation transcript:

WI 4 (CWA1): Guidelines for machine-processable representation of Dublin Core Application Profiles Pete Johnston, UKOLN, University of Bath Thomas Baker, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft CEN/ISSS MMI-DC Meeting Brussels, September

Machine-processable representation of Dublin Core Application Profiles Context Conceptual model for DCAP Suggested representation using RDF

Context Metadata “application profile” –Recognition that implementers adapt metadata standards to context –Use terms from multiple metadata vocabularies in combination CEN CWA –Guidelines for human-readable representation of DCAP Current draft –Make information available in structured form, usable by applications Influenced by –DCMI practice ("Grammatical Principles“, Namespace Policy, declaration of metadata vocabularies, “DCMI Abstract Mode”l) –W3C Semantic Web activity –Research projects on metadata schema registries

DCMI Abstract Model Working Draft of DC Architecture WG Seeks to make explicit the DC "meta-model" –what are the component parts of any DC metadata description –what information these components convey about the resources described by the DC metadata description –independent of form in which DC metadata description is represented –closely aligned with RDF meta-model –adopts class hierarchy/property specialisation semantics of RDFS

DCMI Abstract Model Description as set of statements about a subject resource Each statement describes a relationship between the subject resource and a second resource (value) Ref to resource Ref to property Ref to value Description Statement

Fundamentals of DCAP DCAP does not define new terms DCAP references ("uses") terms already defined elsewhere –Terms may be from multiple independently-created sources DCAP may describe how use of terms is “constrained”, adapted, contextualised N.B. CWA employed "term usage"; current doc employs "property usage“ –DC differentiates different types of “term” –Only use of properties is “constrained” –Other types of term are referenced Only (or at least primarily) as part of constraints on property

Conceptual model for DCAP What is a DCAP? What are the component entities? What are the related entities? What are the attributes of a DCAP? And of these component and related entities? What types of relationship exist between these entities?

Property DCAP Property Usage usesProperty usesAs EncodingScheme Class hasPropertyUsage Binding Schema isExpressedBy m n 1 1 m 1m 1 administers Agency 1 m Schema Document isDescribedIn 1 Metadata Vocabulary administers 1 m 1 Schema Document isDescribedIn 1 hasTerm 1m 1 m m

Metadata Vocabulary subclass m n Class hasTerm 1 m subprop m n administers Agency 1m 1 Property hasTerm m Instance type n m 1 Schema Document isDescribedIn 11 m

Metadata Vocabulary A set of metadata terms (Properties, Classes, and Instances of those classes) managed as a coherent unit by an Agency Relationships Metadata VocabularyIs-Administered-ByAgencym – 1 MetadataVocabularyHas-Member-TermProperty1 - m MetadataVocabularyHas-Member-TermClass1 - m MetadataVocabularyHas-Member-TermInstance1 – m MetadataVocabularyIs-Described-BySchemaDocument1 - 1 Examples: the DCMES, the DC Terms Vocabulary, the DCMI Type Vocabulary

Property A Property is a type of relationship between two Resources. A Property is declared as a term within exactly one Metadata Vocabulary. A Property may be related to another property by a sub-property relationship: this states that all resources related by the first property are also related by the second property Relationships PropertyIs-Member-Term-OfMetadataVocabularym – 1 PropertyIs-Subproperty-OfPropertym - n PropertyIs-Used-ByPropertyUsage1 – m Examples: dc:creator, dcterms:modified, dcterms:audience (All DCMI elements and element refinements are properties.)

Class A Class is a group of resources. A Class is declared as a term within exactly one Metadata Vocabulary. A Class may be related to another class by a sub-class relationship: this states that all instances of the first Class are also instances of the second Class. A Resource is related to one or more Classes by a type relationship, and is said to be an Instance of those classes. Relationships ClassIs-Member-Term-OfMetadataVocabularym – 1 ClassIs-Subclass-OfPropertym – n ClassHas-InstanceInstancem - n ClassIs-Used-As-Encoding-Scheme-ByPropertyUsagem - n Examples: dcterms:LCSH, dcterms:W3CDTF, dcmitype:Text, dcmitype:Collection (All DCMI "encoding schemes" and type vocabulary terms are classes.)

DCAP Binding Schema isExpressedBy 1 m Property usesProperty 1 m Property Usage hasPropertyUsage m 1 usesAs EncodingScheme Class n m administers Agency 1m 1 Schema Document isDescribedIn 1

DC Application Profile (DCAP) A set of Property Usages, created to meet the functional requirements of an application or context, and managed as a coherent unit by an Agency. Relationships DCAPIs-Administered-ByAgencym – 1 DCAPHas-MemberPropertyUsage1 - m DCAPIs-Described-BySchemaDocument1 - 1 DCAPIs-Expressed-ByBindingSchema1 - m Examples: the Simple Dublin Core DCAP, the RDN-DC DCAP, the Renardus DCAP

Attributes of DCAP URI ReferenceA URI Reference which identifies the DC application profile MandatoryMax=1 TitleThe name or title of the DC application profile MandatoryMax=1 Max=unbounded if allowing for multiple languages VersionAn indicator of the version of the DC application profile OptionalMax=1 StatusAn indicator of the status of the DC application profile OptionalMax=1 DescriptionA summary of the scope and purpose of the DC application profile MandatoryMax=1 Max=unbounded if allowing for multiple languages SpecificationA human-readable document that provides more information about the DC application profile OptionalMax=unbounded

Property Usage A Property Usage is a description of how a previously declared Property from a Metadata Vocabulary is deployed in the context of an application. A Property Usage –must reference ("use") exactly one Property. –may provide additional documentation on how the property is interpreted in the context of this application –may provide an application-specific label for the property –may specify obligation for the use of statements referring to the property (whether it is mandatory, optional, conditional) –may specify constraints on the occurrence of statements referring to the property –may specify constraints on the permitted values of the property, by specifying that they are instances of specified classes (i.e. may specify "encoding schemes" for the property)

Property Usage Relationships PropertyUsageUsesPropertym – 1 PropertyUsageUses-As-Encoding-SchemeClassm – n PropertyUsageIs-Member-OfDCAPm - 1 Examples: the usage of dc:title in the Simple Dublin Core DCAP, the usage of dc:title in RDN-DC DCAP, the usage of dc:title in Renardus DCAP

Attributes of Property Usage Property Usage URIA URI Reference which identifies the property usage MandatoryMax=1 LabelA human-readable label assigned to the property, in the context of this DC application profile OptionalMax=1 Max=unbounded if allowing for multiple languages StatusAn indicator of the status of the property usage. OptionalMax=1 DefinitionA statement of the concept and essential nature of the property, as it is used in this DC Application Profile OptionalMax=1 Max=unbounded if allowing for multiple languages CommentsAdditional information about the property or its use specific to this DC Application Profile OptionalMax=1 Max=unbounded if allowing for multiple languages

Attributes of Property Usage ObligationAn indication of whether a statement using the property is required to occur in a metadata description conforming to this DC Application Profile MandatoryMax=1 ConditionA description of the condition or conditions according to which a statement using the property in a metadata descripton conforming to this DC Application Profile Conditional (Mandatory if Obligation = Conditional) Max=1 Max=unbounded if allowing for multiple languages OccurrencesThe maximum permitted number of occurrences of statements using the property in a metadata description conforming to this DC Application Profile MandatoryMax=1

Representation of DCAP : XML? Could provide a XML DTD or XML Schema to define an XML format for a DCAP But the property usages in a DCAP reference existing terms Term descriptions already available, using RDF/RDFS (in some cases, at least!) Would require –re-describing terms that are already described (or map existing data to new format); or –using separate format/model for DCAP (DCAP-XML) and for metadata vocabulary (RDFS/RDF)

Representation of DCAP: XML Schema? An XML Schema describes constraints on the structure of a (class of) XML document(s) Abstract Model –Description may be represented as records in multiple syntaxes –May be multiple XML formats, each with different XML Schema A DCAP specifies the properties/classes used in a description So (potentially) one-to-many relation between DCAP and XML Schema

Representation of DCAP: XML Schema? However, XML implementers want –to constrain structure of DC-in-XML documents during creation –to validate structure of DC-in-XML documents post- creation –… so need XML Schema corresponding to DCAP (for their chosen XML format) DCAP model is (probably?!) rich enough to generate XML Schema… …but N.B. that generation process requires additional information about each XML format

Representation of DCAP: RDF? RDF provides simple meta-model –Resource-property-value Descriptions of terms in DCMI metadata vocabularies already published using RDF –using RDFS and DC vocabularies Many other significant vocabularies also available currently or will be available By definition DCAP references other terms Use of RDF facilitates merging of DCAP description and existing metadata vocabulary descriptions (and resource descriptions)

Representation of DCAP: RDF? However, DCAP concept is closely associated with that of document/record/bounded description –mandating that statement with specified property is present –limiting number of occurrences of statements with specified property –mandating that value of specified property is instance of specified class Generally, RDF applications tend to adopt "open- world" assumptions –RDFS, OWL designed to support inferencing, rather than completeness/correctness checks (validation)

RDF representation Specify RDF classes and properties corresponding to the entity types, attributes, & relation types in model Use existing RDF vocabularies where possible RDF Vocabulary Description Language (RDF Schema) provides –a semantics of class hierarchy/property specialisation –an RDF vocabulary to represent RDFS semantics –i.e. properties and classes to describe Properties, Classes (and Datatypes) DCMES/DC terms provide –properties for many descriptive attributes

RDF representation RDFS has no concepts of application profile, property usage RDFS does not provide –a class to represent a (Metadata) Vocabulary So need to provide additional classes and properties where required –The “dcap” vocabulary Should provide RDFS descriptions of dcap: terms N.B. No URIrefs yet assigned for dcap: terms

Example RDN-DC –DCAP used for record-sharing between partners in Resource Discovery Network (RDN) –Sharing over OAI-PMH, so uses XML syntax Usage of dc:language –Optional (recommended) –Repeatable –Requires use of RFC3066 encoding scheme

RDN-DC dc:title rdn:rdn-dc-dcap dcap:DCAP rdf:type dcap:PropertyUsage rdf:type dcap:isMemberOf dcap:uses dc:language rdf:Property rdf:type dcterms:RFC3066 rdfs:Class rdf:type dcap:encodingScheme

Use the language codes defined in RFC Unbounded

Issues Choice of URIrefs for dcap: RDF vocabulary terms Currently, no DCMI-endorsed model for DCAP Proposed model is largely untested! –But JISC IEMSR registry in development (similar data model) DCMI Abstract Model still work-in-progress –Literal and non-literal values in DC metadata? –Use of literal datatyping for syntax encoding schemes? DCAP for description v DCAP for description set CEN CWA –more "permissive" view of DCAP?