Biological Evolution AMNH March – May 2011
WHAT DOES A LITERATE ADULT SHOULD KNOW ABOUT EVOLUTION? (03/31/11) Definition of evolution Diversity/unity (what evolution explains) Evidence for evolution Deep time or geological time Origin of life Mechanisms of the evolutionary process Role of sex in the origin of variation Natural selection Adaptation Darwin Misconceptions (i.e. we evolve from monkeys; there is a purpose in evolution; individuals adapt; The science of evolution as an interdisciplinary science
What is biological evolution? Descent with modification (Darwin) Genetic change over time (population biologists) Origin and evolution of species or groups of species, and how those species might related to each other ( systematists and paleontologists)
What does evolution explain? Diversity Unity Adaptations
What is the evidence for evolution? Fossil record Structural similarities among organisms The geographic distribution of organisms Embryological similarities among organisms The pattern of organism groupings
Embryology activity
Evidence for Evolution at the Sackler lab
Hall of Human Origins activity
WHAT DOES A LITERATE ADULT SHOULD KNOW ABOUT EVOLUTION? (03/31/11) Definition of evolution Diversity/unity (what evolution explains) Evidence for evolution Deep time or geological time Origin of life Mechanisms of the evolutionary process Role of sex in the origin of variation Natural selection Adaptation Darwin Misconceptions (i.e. we evolve from monkeys; there is a purpose in evolution; individuals adapt) The science of evolution as an interdisciplinary science
What is the evidence for evolution? Fossil record Structural similarities among organisms The geographic distribution of organisms Embryological similarities among organisms The pattern of organism groupings
Second class: FOSSIL RECORD How are fossils evidence for evolution? How do we know what we know about life in the past through fossil remains?