The Sun – Our Local Star Only star in our solar system Consists mostly of Hydrogen Gas Hydrogen turns into helium producing energy that is the source of light and warmth that makes life possible on Earth
Layers of the Sun: Interior – core – fusion takes place in the core, energy is produced through fusion (defn: hydrogen particles collide and combine to form helium) radiative zone – energy moves by radiation convection zone – currents of hot gas carry energy outward (sun’s surface) (defn: transfer of energy from place to place by the motion of heated gas or liquid) Atmosphere – photosphere – visible layer of the Sun chromosphere – middle layer of Sun’s atmosphere corona – outermost layer of the sun, low density, it is only visible during a total solar eclipse
Solar Flare: Eruption of hot gas from the Sun’s surface Sunspots: Spots on the photosphere that are cooler than surrounding areas Prominence: Huge loops of glowing gas that extend into the corona
Solar Wind: electrically charged particles that flow out in all directions from the corona Auroras: beautiful patterns of glowing light in the sky produced by solar-wind particles that enter the upper atmosphere and release energy