European Commission: DG Environment Streamlining and harmonizing climate change and air pollution requirements TFEIP, 23 – 24 May 2007, Dessau Eduard Dame DG ENV,Unit C5
European Commission: DG Environment Scope Monitoring and reporting requirements of: l l Monitoring Mechanism 280/2004/EC and its implementing provisions (Decision 2005/166/EC) l l EU ETS (Directive 2003/87/EC) and its implementing provisions l l The Kyoto Protocol, the UNFCCC and various IPCC reporting guidelines l l Regulation 842/2006/EC on certain fluorinated gasses l l NEC-directive (2001/81/EC) and the UNECE Gothenburg Protocol l l Other EU-directives (E-PRTR, AQD, IPPC, VOC, LCP)
European Commission: DG Environment Analysis current situation l l Many air pollutants and GHG’s have common sources and are monitored by the same agencies l l Policy and measures to limit their effect are often documented by the same authorities l l The existing monitoring and reporting requirements have a different history l l Related guidelines have matured in time l l Experience has been gained through their implementation And / however ………………..
European Commission: DG Environment Analysis current situation (2) A preliminary assessment – based on real life experiences by the Commission and the EEA -has indicated that improvements can be made in terms of: m Consistency m Timeliness and completeness of reporting m Quality …………resulting in a more efficient use of available resources at both EC and MS level, avoiding double reporting and reducing administrative burden
European Commission: DG Environment Project - objectives identifying inter-linkages between the monitoring and reporting obligations of the various pieces of legislation Analyzing current practices of MS to ensure coherence Providing concrete suggestions of streamlining those at EU-level, both in practical terms and for use in EU-legislation, taking into account international legally binding agreements
European Commission: DG Environment Project – tasks for the contractor l l Describe current obligations l l Visit a selective, but representative group of member States (not less than 12) to explore existing working methods and identify best (and worst) practices l l Formulate concrete recommendations for ongoing revision processes, and assess the costs and benefits of the options considered l l Propose an action plan / road map to be followed over the coming years containing concrete suggestions and actions: m for the implementation of the streamlined procedures through future IT reporting tools m Recommendations for future streamlining of legislation l l Organize training sessions open for MS
European Commission: DG Environment Project - timing l l Open call for tender l l Start October 2007 l l Duration: 12 months l l Proposal for NECD is now scheduled for December 2007 So……………?
European Commission: DG Environment Preliminary streamlining Preliminary streamlining by: l l Monitoring and reporting obligations in revised NECD similar - as far as possible - to those in Monitoring Decision 280/2004 l l Future changes in reporting deadlines or Implementing provisions possible by Comitology
European Commission: DG Environment Revision NECD Article 7 - National emission inventories Member States shall prepare and annually update national emission inventories for the pollutants under the scope of this Directive […………] Member States shall establish their emission inventories using the methodologies specified in Annex IV and ensure that their national emission inventories meet the criteria of completeness, accuracy, consistency, comparability and transparency as specified in Annex VI.
European Commission: DG Environment Revision NECD Article 7 - National emission inventories 3. Member States shall by 15 January each year (year X) report their national emission inventories to the Commission and the European Environment Agency. They shall report their final emission inventories for the previous year but three (year X-3) and their provisional emission inventories for the previous year but two (year X-2) The reports of the Member States shall be accompanied by a national inventory report. Member States shall communicate to the Commission, by 15 March each year, their complete national inventory report relevant for the reporting years specified in Article 7(4) Implementing provisions for the reporting of the information mentioned in this article are laid down in Annex IV.
European Commission: DG Environment Revision NECD Article 8 - National Programmes and emission projections 1. Member States shall, for the assessment of projected progress, report to the Commission, by 15 March 2013 and 15 March 2017 their national programme, together with – or being part of - the information as mentioned in Article 3(2) of Decision 280/2004/EC In addition to paragraph 1 Member States shall report their national emission projections every second year together with – or being part of - the information as mentioned in Article 3(2) of Decision 280/2004/EC. The national projections shall be reported for 2020 and - from 2015 onwards –also for Member States shall establish their national programmes and projections using the methodologies specified in Annex V and ensure that their national emission projections meet the criteria of completeness, accuracy, consistency, comparability and transparency as specified in Annex VI.
European Commission: DG Environment Revision NECD Annex IV Guidance on national emission inventories and annual reporting; l l with an obligation to use the (revised) Guidebook l l using (copying) essential parts of the (revised) Guidelines Annex V Guidance on National Programmes and emission projections l l using (copying) essential parts of the (revised) Guidelines Annex VI l l Criteria of transparency, consistency, comparability, completeness and accuracy (as already defined in Guidelines)
European Commission: DG Environment END TFEIP, Dessau Eduard Dame DG ENV,Unit C5