Project: Compendium of Best Practices on Motorcycle and Scooter Safety Speaker: Joe Motha Economy: Australia
Origin of project Project responds to 2007 directive relating to road safety from APEC Transportation Ministers (JMS at TMM5 in Adelaide). Ministers required continuing efforts to improve road safety, including developing strategies to reduce risks to vulnerable road users. Project proposal was approved at TPT WG-31 in Peru. Page 2
Tender process Project RFP advertised on APEC website. Tenders closed on 22 May Tenders evaluated by Australia, New Zealand, Philippines and Thailand. Successful tenderer was Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q). Page 3
Project details Total price of US$99, Global Road Safety Partnership contributing US$25,766.11; APEC funding balance. Project duration approximately 12 months. Expected commencement in August Project is in two stages. A third stage is envisaged but funding for this stage has not been secured. Page 4
Project stage 1 Stage 1: Survey of motorcycle and scooter safety issues in APEC economies and barriers to addressing these issues. Prepare and issue questionnaire to all economies (government and non-government stakeholders). Includes gender-disaggregated data and analysis. Page 5
Project stage 1 Preparation of stage 1 report, drawing out main themes and issues. To whom should questionnaire be sent? Please facilitate timely responses using your networks. Success of project depends on data and information to be collected. Page 6
Project stage 2 Stage 1 report will provide guidance in developing stage 2 compendium. Measures relevant to circumstances and needs of APEC economies. Evidence-based measures, references, examples, photos, diagrams, case studies as far as possible. Literature review, selecting safety measures for inclusion; indexing and cross-referencing. Case studies useful - you can help identify these. Page 7
Possible stage 3 We anticipate that stage 3 will be a workshop to present the results of the project (preceding a TPT WG meeting or in conjunction with other event). Only stages 1 and 2 are currently funded; funding for stage 3 will have to be sought from interested parties later. Page 8
Consultation process Questionnaire will be sent to all economies. Project outputs will be provided to all economies for information and comments. Please provide responses by stipulated dates to help maintain the project timeline. Page 9
How can you help? Provide names of organisations/individuals to whom the questionnaire can be sent. Send your own response to the questionnaire by the stipulated date. Provide comments/feedback on the outputs sent to you by the stipulated dates. Encourage other individuals/organisations to participate by sending their responses. Page 10