Proactive Human Response to Wildfires Outbreak: Measure and Prepare for it (PRoMPt) European Union European Regional Development Fund Wildfires’ Response: Short Territorial Status Report 2nd Steering Committee Meeting Macerata, 2 & 3/4/2009 Dr. Stefanos Michos Region of Western Greece
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata2 Contents Overall review of the project activities Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata3 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (1) Component 1: Management and Coordination (RP:RWG) Tasks B’ Semester 2008 PARTNERS OKTNOVDECRWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL SCM (Kick-off) R -- Agenda R Minutes R Partnership Agreement R TBS TBS Subsidy Contract R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata4 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (2) Component 1: Management and Coordination (RP:RWG) Tasks A’ Semester 2009 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL SCM (2-3/4/2009) R Agenda AR R Minutes TBA R PR to JTS R Workshops agenda & schedule AR R Staff exchange schedule AR R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata5 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (3) Component 1: Management and Coordination (RP:RWG) Tasks B’ Semester 2009 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL SCM (22-23/10/2009) ? R Agenda AR R Minutes TBA R PR to JTS R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata6 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (4) Component 1: Management and Coordination (RP:RWG) Tasks A’ Semester 2010 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL SCM R Agenda AR R Minutes TBA R PR to JTS R Training sessions schedule AR R Simulations – contingency plan exercises schedule AR R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata7 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (5) Component 1: Management and Coordination (RP:RWG) Tasks B’ Semester 2010 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL SCM R Agenda AR R Minutes TBA R PR to JTS R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata8 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (6) Component 1: Management and Coordination (RP:RWG) Tasks A’ Semester 2011 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL SCM R Agenda AR R Minutes TBA R PR to JTS R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata9 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (7) Component 1: Management and Coordination (RP:RWG) Tasks B’ Semester 2011 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL PR to JTS R FR to JTS R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata10 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (8) Component 2: Communication and Dissemination (RP:RWG) Tasks A’ Semester 2009 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSK O TERAM O BAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL Web site R Press releases for workshops R R R R Newsletter RAR Brochure R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata11 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (9) Component 2: Communication and Dissemination (RP:RWG) Tasks B’ Semester 2009 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL Web site update R Press releases for workshops R R R Press releases for SE R RRRRRRR Newsletter RAR
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata12 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (10) Component 2: Communication and Dissemination (RP:RWG) Tasks A’ Semester 2010 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL Web site update R Press releases for workshops R RR R Press releases for SE R RRRRRRR Press releases for S-CPE + press conference R? R? Press releases for TS R? R? R? D4 R? R? Newsletter RAR
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata13 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (11) Component 2: Communication and Dissemination (RP:RWG) Tasks B’ Semester 2010 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL Web site update R Press releases for TS R? R? R? Press releases for S-CPE + press conference R? R? D4 R? R? Newsletter RAR
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata14 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (12) Component 2: Communication and Dissemination (RP:RWG) Tasks A’ Semester 2011 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL Web site update R Press releases for TS R? R? R? Press releases for S-CPE + press conference R? R? D4 R? R? D2 in all partners’ languages R? R RR R Newsletter RAR
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata15 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (13) Component 2: Communication and Dissemination (RP:RWG) Tasks B’ Semester 2011 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL Web site update R Press releases R RRRRRRR D5 R Final conference + dissemination materials R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata16 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (14) Component 3: Exchange of experiences dedicated to the identification and analysis of good practices (RP: MACERATA) Tasks A’ Semester 2009 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSK O TERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL Template “Short Territorial Status Report” R D1 R CTM R WGs R (WG2) R (WG1) R (WG3) WGs TPRs R R R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata17 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (15) Component 3: Exchange of experiences dedicated to the identification and analysis of good practices (RP: MACERATA) Tasks B’ Semester 2009 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL CTM ? R WGs R R R SE (+ TPR) R WGs TPRs R R R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata18 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (16) Component 3: Exchange of experiences dedicated to the identification and analysis of good practices (RP: MACERATA) Tasks A’ Semester 2010 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL CTM R WGs R R R SE (+ TPR) R WGs TPRs + TFRs R R R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata19 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (17) Component 3: Exchange of experiences dedicated to the identification and analysis of good practices (RP: MACERATA) Tasks B’ Semester 2010 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL SE TFR RR D2 in English R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata20 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (18) Component 4: Improvement and adaptation on local strategies and policies (RP: BIELSKO) Tasks A’ Semester 2010 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAMB OLOVO DIAK OFTO ASA EL TFs AR (TF2) R (TF2) R (TF1) R (TF3) Call for tender “Benchmarking” R S-CPE R? R? TS R? R? R?
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata21 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (19) Component 4: Improvement and adaptation on local strategies and policies (RP: BIELSKO) Tasks B’ Semester 2010 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL TFs ARRRR S-CPE R? R? TS R? R? R?
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata22 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (20) Component 4: Improvement and adaptation on local strategies and policies (RP: BIELSKO) Tasks A’ Semester 2011 PARTNERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL TFs ARRRR S-CPE R? R? TS R? R? R?
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata23 Definition of time plan, activity programme and division of tasks among the partners (21) Component 4: Improvement and adaptation on local strategies and policies (RP: BIELSKO) Tasks B’ Semester 2011 PARTNERS JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC RWGRACTIISIMACER ATA BIELSKOTERAMOBAIOSTAM BOLO VO DIAK OFTO ASAEL D3 R
CIVIL PROTECTION Control Room, Macerata24 Thank you for your attention!