Indicators for implementation of Children’s Rights to, in and through Education in Developing Countries Agneta W-Flinck, Ulf Leo, Bodil Rasmusson, Richard Stenelo, Per Wickenberg, Bereket Yebio Lund University, Sweden ISCI Conference, Sidney, November 2009
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Outline 1.International Training Programme on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management 2.Results 3.Design of a research project
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Child Rights Classroom & School Management
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Sep - Oct 2009 Sweden Contin. ImplementingPilot ProjectWork Plan Spring - Summer 2010 Team's Country March 2010 Ethiopia Phase 1 Phase 2Phase 3 Mentors visiting the Teams in their countries Lund and Sweden Pilot Project Progress Report and Input from the others Teams Time Schedule Implementing
Participating countries : Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Laos, Malawi, Mocambique, Namibia, Nicaragua, Peru, Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia = 26 countries, 330 participants, 11 batches
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Teaching/Learning Processes Leadership/Change Agents Child Rights Convention Initiating Change Processes focusing The Best Interest of the Child
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Teaching/Learning Processes Leadership/Change Agents Child Rights Convention etc Initiating Change Processes focusing The Best Interest of the Child
Impact and dissemination seminar Bangkok, January 2009 Report: Wickenberg et al (2009) Taking Children’s Rights seriously
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Results (indicators) at local level Provision (e.g. access to education and food) Protection (e.g. banning corporal punishment) Participation (e.g.children’s voices, CRC- clubs, School Councils)
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Provision
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Provision
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Protection
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Participation
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Vietnam, 4 April, 2007 Reflections Participation
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Participation
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Participation
Lund University / Faculty of Social Science / Sweden Participation
Vertical primary dissemination to the provincial (district) level from the local level
Horizontal secondary dissemination on the provincial (district) level
Lessons learned Networking Commitment Giving and gaining in a global atmosphere Learning process in several phases Various input during the program Deeply rooted locally Use of CRC a a tool for change
Research project: Implementing the Child Rights Convention as Legal Empowerment of the Poor. Norms Processes in Education as Means for Change Research Question: What factors are needed for effective implementation at different levels?
Expected results Design of a system for evaluation and monitoring of development results Development of assessment tools including children as informants Increase of capacity building (in cooperation with Zambia and India)