Chapter 5, section 1
The gov’t expected Native Americans to stay on the reservations It was a problem because that made buffalo hunting almost impossible
200 people were killed
He ambushed the U.S. cavalry because they kept going through his land
When the gov’t wasn’t able to defeat the Comanche on the battlefield, they cut off their access to food until they surrendered
After gold was discovered there, the U.S. gov’t wanted the Sioux to sell their reservation land.
“What treaty that the whites have kept has the red man broken? Not one. What treaty that the white man ever made with us have they kept? Not one.”
It was a religious dance. People who practiced it believed that it would lead to a new life without suffering for the Natives.
40 police were sent to arrest him for performing the Ghost Dance His body guard shot one of them Police killed Sitting Bull
None of Custer’s men survived Referred to as Custer’s Last Stand Crazy Horse was killed in prison soon after surrendering
7 th Cavalry rounded up 350 starving, freezing Sioux and took them to a camp They took their weapons Someone fired a shot (not sure which side) and the army opened fire Army killed all of them and left their corpses to freeze on the ground