“Lesson 26: The Kirtland Temple Is Dedicated,” Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants: Church History, (1997),139
To help the children understand that priesthood keys giving authority to do missionary and temple work were restored in the Kirtland Temple.
1. I have a fam’ly here on earth. They are so good to me. I want to share my life with them through all eternity. 2. While I am in my early years, I’ll prepare most carefully, So I can marry in God’s temple for eternity. Chorus Fam’lies can be together forever Through Heav’nly Father’s plan. I always want to be with my own family, And the Lord has shown me how I can. The Lord has shown me how I can. Words: Ruth Muir Gardner, 1927–1999. © 1980 IRI Music: Vanja Y. Watkins, b © 1980 IRI
(Enter Name Here)
Why do we use keys? How do we use them? What do you think these keys will open? What would happen if we lost a key to something that was locked?
Priesthood keys are very important in the Church, but they are not keys like the ones displayed. They are not made of metal and cannot be held in your hand or put in your pocket.
When we speak of priesthood keys, we mean the power and authority, given to the prophet and other priesthood leaders through the laying on of hands, to direct God’s work on earth.. The President of the Church holds all the keys of the priesthood, and other priesthood leaders hold some of them.
Priesthood holders may perform priesthood ordinances only as authorized by those who hold the appropriate priesthood keys. For example, before a father can baptize his child, he must receive permission from the bishop.
During the Apostasy the priesthood was not on the earth. The priesthood and the keys to direct the power of the priesthood needed to be restored so the Church could be restored and Church members could receive all the blessings of the gospel.
Who restored the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith?
Who restored the Melchizedek Priesthood to Joseph Smith?
One of the reasons the Kirtland Temple was built was to provide a place where the Lord and his servants could restore additional keys of priesthood authority.
We lesson today continues from last weeks lesson and includes the Dedication of the Kirtland Temple.
“Lesson 26: The Kirtland Temple Is Dedicated,” Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants: Church History, (1997),139
The Lord had commanded the Saints to build a temple in Kirtland. The Saints were poor, but they sacrificed and worked hard to build the temple. They had faith that the Lord would help them do what He had asked them to do.
When the temple was nearly finished, some of the leaders of the Church held a meeting there. At the meeting, Joseph Smith’s father blessed the leaders of the Church. Joseph’s father was the patriarch of the Church.
Then Joseph Smith had a wonderful vision in which he saw the celestial kingdom of heaven. The celestial kingdom is where God lives.
Joseph saw how beautiful the celestial kingdom is. He saw Heavenly Father and Jesus. He also saw his brother Alvin, who had died.
Joseph was surprised to see Alvin in the celestial kingdom because Alvin had not been baptized before he died. Jesus explained that many people did not know about the gospel when they lived on earth.
Some of these people, like Alvin, lived at times when the true gospel of Jesus Christ was not on the earth. Some of them lived in areas where missionaries were not able to teach them.
Some of these people would have believed the gospel and been baptized if they had known about it when they lived on earth. These people will go to the celestial kingdom.
In this vision, Joseph also learned about children who die before they are eight years old. Jesus said these children will go to the celestial kingdom.
At last the Kirtland Temple was finished and ready to be dedicated. That means the temple would be given to the Lord and used only for His work. The Saints had a special meeting to dedicate the temple.
Many Saints came to the meeting. They were very happy to have the temple. They sang and prayed to Heavenly Father. They promised to follow the Prophet Joseph Smith and other Church leaders.
Joseph Smith offered a special prayer to dedicate the temple. After the prayer, the temple was a sacred building.
It was the house of the Lord. Angels were in the Kirtland Temple that day. The Holy Ghost was with the Saints. It was a wonderful day!
If you remember from last week, the Saints had to sacrifice greatly to allow the Kirtland temple to be built. What were some of the ways they sacrificed? Money Sleep Jobs Work Resources China and glassware (for the mortar/stucco)
The Kirtland Temple was not designed for the ordinances we now perform in temples.
It had no baptismal font in which to perform baptisms for the dead and no altars for temple marriages.
It was a sacred place where heavenly beings could come to restore priesthood keys and a meetinghouse where the Saints could gather to worship and to learn the gospel.
On Sunday, 27 March 1836, the Kirtland Temple was dedicated to the Lord. Dedicated means the leaders of the Church offered a special prayer asking the Lord to accept and bless the temple and all the people who would come into it.
Hundreds of Saints came to Kirtland for the dedicatory services; some traveled long distances to attend. There were nearly a thousand seats inside the temple, but many more people wanted to attend the dedication.
The Prophet told the people who could not get seats in the temple to hold a separate meeting in the schoolhouse nearby, and the next Thursday the dedication service was repeated so these people could hear it.
In addition to the dedicatory prayer, the seven-hour dedication meeting included hymn singing, testimony bearing, the passing of the sacrament, a two-and-a- half-hour sermon by Sidney Rigdon, and a solemn assembly where Joseph Smith and other Church leaders were sustained.
The Prophet Joseph Smith read the dedicatory prayer, which had been given to him in a revelation. This prayer is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 109. In the prayer the Prophet thanked Heavenly Father for the blessings he had given the members of the Church.
Joseph prayed that the temple would be a place of prayer, fasting, faith, learning, glory, and order (see D&C 109:8, 16) and that those who came to the temple would grow in faith and wisdom (see D&C 109:14–15). D&C 109:8, 16D&C 109:14–15D&C 109:8, 16D&C 109:14–15 He asked the Lord to accept the temple and make it a holy place (see D&C 109:4, 12–13). D&C 109:4, 12–13 D&C 109:4, 12–13
After the prayer the choir sang “The Spirit of God” (Hymns,no. 2), which had been written by William W. Phelps for the dedication of the temple.
The congregation then partook of the sacrament and ended the service by giving the sacred Hosanna Shout: they raised their hands above their heads and shouted three times, “Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb, amen, amen, and amen.”
Temples are dedicated today following the pattern of the Kirtland Temple dedication. The prophet (or someone he chooses) gives the dedicatory prayer, “The Spirit of God” is sung, and the entire congregation gives the Hosanna Shout.
Very small children were not allowed to come to the dedication of the temple. One sister who had traveled a long way to come to the dedication went with her six-week-old baby to Joseph Smith Sr., the patriarch.
She was very upset because she did not know anyone who could take care of her baby, but she could not bear to miss the dedication. Patriarch Smith told the mother to bring her child and promised her that the baby would not disturb the meeting.
His promise was proven true: the baby remained quiet, even though the dedication service was very long.
That evening a priesthood meeting was held. Over four hundred men attended. In the dedicatory prayer earlier that day, Joseph Smith had asked that the temple “be filled, as with a rushing mighty wind” (D&C 109:37) to show that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were pleased with the temple. D&C 109:37D&C 109:37
This happened at the priesthood meeting. The Prophet recorded:
“A noise was heard like the sound of a rushing mighty wind, which filled the Temple, and all the congregation simultaneously arose, being moved upon by an invisible power; many began to speak in tongues and prophesy; others saw glorious visions; and I beheld the Temple was filled with angels, which fact I declared to the congregation.
The people of the neighborhood came running together (hearing an unusual sound within, and seeing a bright light like a pillar of fire resting upon the Temple), and were astonished at what was taking place. This continued until the meeting closed at eleven p.m.” (History of the Church, 2:428).
One week after the Kirtland Temple was dedicated, the Saints held another meeting there. The Apostles blessed the sacrament, and Joseph Smith and his counselors passed the sacrament to the Saints.
Then Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery went to a place by themselves in the temple, where they knelt down and prayed. After their prayer, they received a wonderful vision.
They saw the Lord Jesus Christ. His eyes were bright, like fire. His hair was as white as snow, and His face was brighter than the sun.
Jesus told Joseph and Oliver many wonderful things. He told them to be happy because their sins were forgiven. He was pleased with the temple and said the Saints who built it should be happy.
He accepted the temple as His holy house. Jesus said He would come to the temple often. But if the people did not keep the temple holy, He would not come.
Then Joseph and Oliver saw Moses in the temple. Moses was a prophet who lived long ago. He returned to earth to restore special priesthood power to Joseph and Oliver.
This power would help the children of Israel be gathered into the Church from all parts of the earth. This power also gives the prophet authority to send missionaries to preach the gospel throughout the world.
Next, Joseph and Oliver saw Elias. Elias restored to them special priesthood power that had been given to Abraham.
Abraham was also a prophet who lived long ago. With this power, the Saints could have the same special blessings that God had promised to Abraham.
Then Joseph and Oliver saw Elijah, another prophet who lived long ago. Elijah restored to them special priesthood power to help righteous families
This power makes it possible for families to be sealed together in the temple so they can live together forever.
After these sacred events the Kirtland Temple continued to be a meeting place for the Saints until they were forced to leave Ohio.
Why did the Saints build the Kirtland Temple? (D&C 109:2–3, 5, 14–15.) D&C 109:2–3, 5, 14–15D&C 109:2–3, 5, 14–15 How was the Kirtland Temple different from the temples we have today?
What kind of house was the Kirtland Temple to be? (D&C 109:16.) D&C 109:16D&C 109:16 The temple was to be a sacred place where the Saints could grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through worship.
How were the Saints shown that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were pleased with the Kirtland Temple? How does the Holy Ghost witness important things to us? Explain that the events on the day of dedication were truly miraculous. Usually the Holy Ghost tells us important things by giving us warm, good feelings.
Who first appeared in the Kirtland Temple to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery? (D&C 110:2.) D&C 110:2D&C 110:2 What did the Savior look like? (D&C 110:3.) D&C 110:3D&C 110:3 What did he tell Joseph and Oliver about the Kirtland Temple? (D&C 110:7.) D&C 110:7D&C 110:7
Who else appeared to Joseph and Oliver in the temple that same day? (D&C 110:11–13.) D&C 110:11–13D&C 110:11–13 What priesthood keys did Moses give to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery? (D&C 110:11.) D&C 110:11D&C 110:11
These keys give the prophet authority to send missionaries to preach the gospel throughout the world. Why is it important for the Church to send missionaries throughout the world?
What blessings do we enjoy as members of the Church that others need to have? How can we help others learn about the gospel and the blessings that come with it?
What priesthood keys did Elijah restore? (D&C 110:13–16.) D&C 110:13–16D&C 110:13–16 These keys are called the keys of sealing power.
They give the prophet (and others he appoints) the authority to perform in the temple all the ordinances that enable both the living and the dead to be sealed together as husbands and wives and as families. How can you and your family be blessed because of temple ordinances?
All children born after their parents are married or sealed in the temple are automatically sealed to their parents. We refer to this as being born in the covenant. Children who are not born in the covenant can be sealed to their parents in the temple.
How were the Saints blessed for the sacrifices they made to build the Kirtland Temple? How are we blessed today because of the events that took place in the Kirtland Temple?
I want to express my gratitude to Heavenly Father for restoring the priesthood keys of missionary work and sealing ordinances to the earth. Because of the events that took place in the Kirtland Temple, you and your family can be members of the Church and have the opportunity to be sealed together as families.
2 Thou who hast commanded thy servants to build a house to thy name in this place [Kirtland].
3 And now thou beholdest, O Lord, that thy servants have done according to thy commandment.
4 And now we ask thee, Holy Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of thy bosom, in whose name alone salvation can be administered to the children of men, we ask thee, O Lord, to accept of this house, the workmanship of the hands of us, thy servants, which thou didst command us to build.
5 For thou knowest that we have done this work through great tribulation; and out of our poverty we have given of our substance to build a house to thy name, that the Son of Man might have a place to manifest himself to his people.
8 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;
12 That thy glory may rest down upon thy people, and upon this thy house, which we now dedicate to thee, that it may be sanctified and consecrated to be holy, and that thy holy presence may be continually in this house;
13 And that all people who shall enter upon the threshold of the Lord’s house may feel thy power, and feel constrained to acknowledge that thou hast sanctified it, and that it is thy house, a place of thy holiness.
14 And do thou grant, Holy Father, that all those who shall worship in this house may be taught words of wisdom out of the best books, and that they may seek learning even by study, and also by faith, as thou hast said;
15 And that they may grow up in thee, and receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost, and be organized according to thy laws, and be prepared to obtain every needful thing;
16 And that this house may be a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of glory and of God, even thy house;
37 And let thy house be filled, as with a rushing mighty a wind, with thy b glory. wind glory wind glory
2 We saw the Lord standing upon the breastwork of the pulpit, before us; and under his feet was a paved work of pure gold, in color like amber.
3 His eyes were as a flame of fire; the hair of his head was white like the pure snow; his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun; and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters, even the voice of Jehovah, saying:
7 For behold, I have accepted this house, and my name shall be here; and I will manifest myself to my people in mercy in this house.
11 After this vision closed, the heavens were again opened unto us; and Moses appeared before us, and committed unto us the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, and the leading of the ten tribes from the land of the north.
12 After this, Elias appeared, and committed the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, saying that in us and our seed all generations after us should be blessed.
13 After this vision had closed, another great and glorious vision burst upon us; for Elijah the prophet, who was taken to heaven without tasting death, stood before us, and said:
14 Behold, the time has fully come, which was spoken of by the mouth of Malachi— testifying that he [Elijah] should be sent, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord come—
15 To turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers, lest the whole earth be smitten with a curse—
16 Therefore, the keys of this dispensation are committed into your hands; and by this ye may know that the great and dreadful day of the Lord is near, even at the doors.