The short road to iOS development Delphi for iOS
Agenda Stop 1: Configure your environment Stop 2: FMX Components Stop 3: File I/O Stop 4: Local DB development Stop 5: Remote DB development Stop 6: Access to Cocoa Stop 7: Apple Developer Account Overview
Stop 1: Configuration Windows: – XE2 – dpr2xcode.exe OSX: – Xcode (3.2.5, or 4.0.2) – iOS SDK (4.2, 4.3) – FireMonkey-iOS.dmg (FMX libraries & FPC) – Consult Install.htm for specific details
Stop 2: FMX Components All Visual Components are available Animations & 3D support available Some non visual components not available: XE2/en/Components_Not_Used_in_iOS_Apps XE2/en/Components_Not_Used_in_iOS_Apps iOS Style
Stop 3: File I/O iOS Apps are sandboxed – Exceptions: accessing contacts or music – Use cloud for sharing An ‘App’ folder is created –.app bundle – Documents – Library – Tmp You can use SysUtils to access some of this…
Stop 4: Local DB Development Embeddable databases: SQLite, FileMaker, SQLite is already part of iOS SDK Example
Stop 5: Remote DB Development Currently: – No dbExpress… – No IBExpress… – No ODBC… How about DataSnap?
Stop 6: Access to Cocoa How do I access Compass, GPS, Contacts, etc… Enter… Cocoa: – ‘Native’ API for accessing OSX and iOS – High proportion of headers have been parsed to pascal: /fpc/packages/cocoaint/utils/uikit- skel/src/foundation Example
Stop 7: Apple Developer Account How do I deploy my App to a device? Purchase an Apple Developer Account: – iOS Developer Program : 99USD – iOS Developer Enterprise Program: 299USD – iOS Developer University Program: free –
Wrap Up Use Delphi to: – Create rich UI’s – Access the File System – Access Databases – Include iOS in multi-tiered architectures – Access more specific iOS APIs with Cocoa
Useful Links hi-xe2-and-ios-things-you-should-not-do/ hi-xe2-and-ios-things-you-should-not-do/
Many thanks to: Phil Hess Anders Ohlsson Andre Miertschenk
E: T: damien_bootsma