The Ski Trip of Terror Choose Your Own Adventure by Savannah Bennett
Introduction You are a 20-year old girl and in college. Over Christmas break, you and your friend Kathy decide to go to Colorado for a ski trip. You have been skiing but Kathy hasn’t and she decided to go and try to learn and have fun. You are able to teach her how to ski. Your grandma also lives in Colorado, about 15 miles away. You will get to decide your fate…
You and Kathy finally get to your hotel and go to rent your gear and get everything ready for tomorrow so you can get up early and hit the slopes. When you are renting gear, you rent skis, ski boots, and poles. You have option of whether or not you rent helmets. They are 7 dollars per day. Is it worth it? If yes, go to If not, go to
Renting a helmet was smart! Today, you went to the easiest slopes on the mountain to get Kathy used to skiing. You want to go ahead and go to the harder slopes, but Kathy thinks it’s a good idea to just play it safe and go easy again. What will you choose? I you want to go safe, click I you want to go dangerous, click
Well you probably should have rented the helmet. Kathy went over a huge sheet of ice and hit her head on a little tree stump. You had to call the emergency number and she almost bled to death. You have to go home. THE END!!!
Good choice! You two were sore from yesterday but have decided that today was fun still! You guys are starving and now you just need to decide where to eat dinner tonight. If you want to go to the Taco Truck down town, click If you want to go to the fancy restaurant in the good part of town, click
That wasn’t the best idea you have ever had. You guys were not ready! You went to the blue diamonds (the hardest) and Kathy was so scared! She decided to go, but was out of control. You both ended up in a tree. You broke your leg, but decided to stay in Colorado for the weekend, you just didn’t ski. THE END!!! Start Over
The taco truck food tasted great! You guys loved the food…until about 30 minutes later you realized you had food poisoning. You were puking and had really, really bad diarrhea. The next week, your body is found by the toilet with dry puke. THE END!!! Start Over
The place tasted great! It was a little pricey, but it was totally worth it! You decided to make your plans for the next day (the last day of your trip) while you are here. You and Kathy can’t decide whether to go visit your grandma in the next town over or whether to go skiing. If you go see grandma, click If you ski again, click
Grandma was so exited to see you! She baked some cookies and made your favorite meal. You were sad you didn’t ski but are glad you got to see your grandma. You stay the night at Grandma’s. Should you stay another day to hang out or go straight home? If you want to stay, click But if you want to go, click
You went skiing instead of seeing your dear old grandma, and you should be ashamed! You weren’t having much fun anyway and decide to just go ahead and go home. On your way, you got in a car wreck and broke your neck! You should have went to Grandma’s THE END! Start Over
You stay an extra day, but are at Grandma’s house alone for a few hours while she went to the grocery store. Someone breaks into her house when she is gone and steals you! Nobody ever finds you! Better you than Grandma, I guess. THE END! Start Over
Good plan! Grandma needed to run some errands anyway. You get home safely and take a nap. Your trip was good. THE END!