Spanish Explorers Main Idea: Spain desired to establish an empire in the Americas in the 1500s and 1600s. Explorers began to map out the region and tales of gold, gems, and minerals lured the Spanish into Texas.
The New World a. Christopher Columbus sailed the Atlantic Ocean blue in 1492; he was Italian, sailing for Spain. b. He sailed west to get to the east to find riches such as gold, silk, and spices in Asia.
Explorer: Columbus (1492) Year He Discovered the West Indies Known for West Indies/New World Why in Texas? He wasn’t!!! Impact of Failure – he didn’t discover a faster Expedition route to India Success – he opened up the “New World” to Europe Impact Started Spanish exploration on Texas in North America (Texas)
The New World c.All 4 of his trips gave Spain claim to land in the Western Hemisphere. d.Result? The Spanish established an empire consisting of most of South America, many Caribbean islands, Mexico, Central America, and part of the present-day United States.
New Spain a. Conquistadores (Spanish soldiers), sought riches and power for themselves, and wealth and glory for Spain. b. Hundreds of Conquistadores were able to conquer thousands of natives. HOW?
New Spain i.Superior weapons: 1.Guns 2.Cannons 3.Metal Swords ii.The Spanish had horses. iii.Some natives believed the Spaniards were gods. iv.Disease: The natives had a weaker immune system. Measles, mumps, flu, or just a regular cold could make the natives very ill. Result? Thousands died and their empires rapidly declined and grew smaller.
New Spain c.Friars were Catholic priests who helped Spain gain a foothold in the Americas. i.They wanted to convert or turn the natives to Roman Catholics. ii.Most natives were polytheistic—believing in many gods. iii.To become Catholic, natives would have to change their religious beliefs and become monotheistic—believing in one god. iv.The Spanish Friars also built missions (religious settlements); natives were invited to live there to learn the Christian and Spanish culture.
Famous Spanish Explorers a. Hernan Cortez – conquered the wealthy Aztecs and their emperor Moctezuma from ; renamed the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan to Mexico City b. Alonso Alvarez de Pineda – first European to explore and map the Texas coast in 1519
Explorer: Cortez (1521) Year He Conquered the Aztecs Known for Mexico/Aztecs Why in Texas? He wasn’t!!! BUT his purpose for exploring was to get GOLD, GLORY and GOD for Spain Impact of Success - conquered the Aztecs and became Expedition the first “governor” of New Spain (Mexico) Impact Inspired others to explore more on Texas territory in North America
Famous Spanish Explorers c. Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca – survived Narvaez shipwreck in Galveston in 1527 and became the first European to enter Texas; he lived with the Karankawas for 6 years from ; later journeyed west toward Mexico and recorded stories of his travels seeing buffalo and fertile land; and possible gold and riches. d. Estevanico – survivor with de Vaca; first African to enter Texas; studied geography of Texas and later became a guide for Spanish explorers
Years he was stranded in North America Known for SHIPWRECK Why in Texas? Oops… it was an accident… shipwrecked (looking for GOLD in FL, Narvaez was killed) Impact of Failure – no GOLD, no GLORY… but he did… Expedition meet the Karwankawas, Texas’ 1 st explorer, 1 st surgeon, 1 st author with Relacion Impact on Texas Told tales of cities of gold – led to more exploration Explorer: Cabeza de Vaca ( )
Famous Spanish Explorers e. Fray Marcos de Niza – Catholic priest sent by viceroy (governor) Antonio de Mendoza to establish peace with Indians; reported seeing the 7 cities of gold in Cibola (which was actually a pueblo, or series of adobe houses) f. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado – led largest expedition of troops in search of seven cities; claimed Wichita land for the King of Spain and killed native Pawnee guide Turk after failing to find another city of riches, Quivira.
Years he explored the Great Plains Known for PANHANDLE Why in Texas? Looking for the 7 cities of GOLD Quiviera & Cibola) Impact of Failure – No gold, no settlements Expedition crossed the “Sea of Grass” (TX Panhandle) Impact on Texas Told about buffalo, villages, TX LAND in the Panhandle Explorer: Coronado ( )
Famous Spanish Explorers g.Hernan de Soto – Spanish conquistador who led an expedition from Florida to the Mississippi River from , where he died. h. Luis de Moscoso – took over the de Soto expedition and led men into east Texas in 1542; explored the Brazos River but returned to Mexico after failing to find gold
Years he was in charge of the expedition Known for EAST TX Why in Texas? Hernan de Soto was looking for GOLD, when he died, Moscoso took over and took the expedition to East TX Impact of Failure – no gold Expedition Impact on 1 st European in East TX Texas Explorer: Moscoso ( ) Hernan de Soto
The First Spanish Colony in Texas a. In 1609, a group of Spaniards set up a permanent colony on the upper waters of the Rio Grande; they named it New Mexico and established the capital of Santa Fe.