Lithuanian case. 1994 %2000 %2009 % MenWomenMenWomenMenWomen Women should not participate in the politics 31232215125 Women should participate in the.


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Presentation transcript:

Lithuanian case

1994 %2000 %2009 % MenWomenMenWomenMenWomen Women should not participate in the politics Women should participate in the politics the same as now Women should participate in the politics more than now The opinion of women and men regarding women's participation in the politics

Jennifer Rosen The Effects of Political Institutions on Women's Political Representation : A Comparative Analysis of 168 Countries from 1992 to Political Research Quarterly : 306 originally published online 1 August 2012

Lithuanian Social Democratic Party quotas on electoral lists Union of Lithuanian Social Democratic Women mentoring between LSDP women education and training communication and cooperation with Lithuanian NGOs and particularly with women's NGOs

KAUNAS WOMEN‘S EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION CENTRE Empowerment of Unemployed Women Women in Politics Women in Business Empowerment of Unemployed Women Women in Politics Women in Business Gender in Politics in Lithuania Ministry of Social Security and Labor of Lithuania Ministry of Social Security and Labor of Lithuania Sprangbradan Utvecklingskonsulter AB Sprangbradan Utvecklingskonsulter AB Project Leader client consultant and partner (Sweden )

To develop strategies so that more women will get elected and re-elected in the next elections on local level on March 2003 and on Parliamentary level in 2004 in Lithuania Main objective To strengthen the cross country and political border cooperation among women in politics through networking between already elected women and women active in NGOs. To make elected woman more visible in society To increase the political competence of new candidates To increase the awareness of gender in politics Qualitative objectives Successful trainings in Sweden Gender equality seminars for journalists Cooperation between different political parties Community of Young politicians New project “MILDA” In total – numbers of women in politics increased by 10% in 2004 Results

Since 2000 – till now Women – politicians Club MILDA (Women initiative for Democracy development in Lithuania) Round table discussions, seminars, trainings, meetings, networking… Promoting self confidence of young inexperienced women politicians Politicians clubs in 10 different counties of Lithuania The establishment of this club was inspired by the project “Gender in Politics in Lithuania”

European Campaign For Parity Democracy and Active European Citizenship: No modern European Democracy without Gender Equality! (January 2013 – June 2014) European Campaign For Parity Democracy and Active European Citizenship: No modern European Democracy without Gender Equality! (January 2013 – June 2014) Project leader: The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, Cyprus Activities: Campaign for Parity Democracy and Active European Citizenship Cross – party coalition of women members of the European Parliament/Commision A Lobbying kit for women’s organizations and NGOs Gender auditof the political programmes C onferences, events, consultations, etc. Activities: Campaign for Parity Democracy and Active European Citizenship Cross – party coalition of women members of the European Parliament/Commision A Lobbying kit for women’s organizations and NGOs Gender auditof the political programmes C onferences, events, consultations, etc. The Aim: to promote the active participation of women as voters and candidates in the European Parliament elections of 2014 as well as increase the number of women among those elected