Arranging a Drug/Alcohol Education Event in your Club John Leahy.


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Presentation transcript:

Arranging a Drug/Alcohol Education Event in your Club John Leahy

Workshop 4 Outline Education about Drugs & Alcohol ASAP Prevention & Education Quality Standards in Substance Use Education – Planning Other Agencies Quality Standards in Substance Use Education – Process & Delivery Who is your Club Topics to Consider Quality Standards in Substance Use Education – Evaluation

Education about Drugs and Alcohol Education programmes that increase our knowledge and skills are essential to help us work effectively dealing with drug and alcohol issues. Education about alcohol, tobacco and drugs is most effective if provided in the broader context of child protection and club development.

Education about Drugs and Alcohol Education works best in small bite-sized pieces and if it’s done over a period of time rather than in one big event. The use of an outside visitor/speaker to enhance is helpful but the content of what they are going to say and do should always be agreed first and they should not be allowed to educate children in the absence of parents/coaches.

ASAP Programme PREVENTION This aspect of the Programme is designed to prevent the abuse of alcohol and other drugs in the first instance. The prevention strategies explore how to reduce the exposure that young people may have to alcohol or drugs and outlines how we can contribute to a more positive approach on such matters.

ASAP Programme EDUCATION This part of the Programme is designed to raise knowledge and confidence levels around alcohol and other drug related issues. It examines how you can also address alcohol and drugs matters in the context of safeguarding your younger members and as a chid welfare and safety matter.

Quality Standards in Substance Use Education DEWF A.PLANNING 1.Prior to engaging in a partnership, the needs are assessed, both organisationally and individually, from such a working relationship. 2.Individuals/agencies that will contribute constructively to the shared work are identified

Other Agencies Health Service Executive HSE – Addiction Service Teams & Health Promotion (ASAP Manual P.42 –P.75) An Garda Síochána Local General Practitioner (GP) ‘A cross section of the community’

Quality Standards in Substance Use Education DEWF A. PLANNING 1.When entering a partnership process, the specific areas of shared interest and the strategies required to successfully achieve the common goals are identified 2.The various factors which may contribute or inhibit the partnership process are explored. These include both related and process factors.

Quality Standards in Substance Use Education DEWF A.PLANNING 1.The advantages and benefits which may accrue from the collaborative process are explored

Quality Standards in Substance Use Education DEWF PROCESS/ DELIVERY 1.The various levels of partnership are explored and a level which is realistic, practical and feasible to work from is identified 2.Co-ordination and organisation of the partnership is clear. Specific roles and responsibilities are identified

Quality Standards in Substance Use Education DEWF PROCESS/ DELIVERY 1.Working relationships in the partnership are based on equality, equity and accountability 2.Resources are invested at various stages to achieve the desired level of partnership

Who is your Club? Coaches/Trainers Players Adult U18 - U16 - U14 - U12 Parents Administration Members – Non Members

Topics to Consider What is your expected message? Local level difficulties? What drugs are available? What supports are in your area?

Quality Standards in Substance Use Education DEWF EVALUATION 1.A full evaluation is conducted exploring the strengths and deficiencies of the programme and evaluating both the product and process of the programme.

Quality Standards in Substance Use Education DEWF The two key elements of substance use education which apply to all settings equally are: 1.Working in Partnership 2.Evaluation

Workshop 4 Outline Education about Drugs & Alcohol ASAP Prevention & Education Quality Standards in Substance Use Education – Planning Other Agencies Quality Standards in Substance Use Education – Process & Delivery Who is your Club Topics to Consider Quality Standards in Substance Use Education – Evaluation

References GAA Club Manual for Dealing with Drugs & Alcohol Related Issues (ASAP) 2005 A manual in Quality Standards in Substance use Education, Drug Education Workers Forum (DEWF)