The Parent and Family Involvement Committee Present Success Cards
Our goal at this school is to promote Student Achievement Everything that we do in the classroom while instructing our students is steered toward student achievement. The role of our committee is to make an effort to bridge the gap between school and home, build positive home school relationships and to promote student achievement.
The Success Cards will be mailed to every students in your SFA class. These are the dates that you will mail out a batch of cards Nov Nov Nov. 28-Dec. 2 Dec. 5-9 The mail out for this group should be completed by DEC. 15.
The Success Cards will be mailed to every students in your SFA class. These are the dates that you will mail out for the second batch of cards Feb Feb. 27-Mar. 2 Mar Final mail out should be completed by MARCH 30 th.
What you will be provided Mailing address stickers for students Success Cards Friendly reminders through and reminders at staff meetings.
The Parent and Family Involvement Committee Thank you for your time and commitment to our students!