LASSeO card specifications or …here are a couple that we prepared earlier... Using LASSeO Specifications in your sector Mick Davies: Chair LASSeO
LASSeO is a NFPD organisation Widespread support (but highly variable levels of engagement) across the public sector –Local Authorities, partnerships & government departments such as the DWP –Other players like SCNF, RNIB, ITSO, etc Really good engagement with a range of software, hardware & service suppliers A bit about LASSeO
LASSeO works with all and sundry to ensure that public sector needs are taken into account in card schemes: –Acts as pressure group for wider public sector cards –Reflects on what various parts of the public sector are doing or wanting to do –Suggests how to deliver accessibility & inclusion through SNAPI –Establishes what technologies might be appropriate & specifies how to use them –Pushes the pace of standards where we need them In short, LASSeO tries to maintain (or create) a common approach that keeps future options open and takes some of the stress away from public sector players. So what does LASSeO do?
So what do we have that might be of interest? We already have specifications for Data objects & services setting out a standard way of identifying services and associated data that can reside on the heavily used Mifare® Classic and DESFire card formats –The majority of public sector cards issued in the UK use our specifications which allow various services to live alongside transport (ITSO) –Most UK card producers already encode to these specifications and they form a good way of allowing lots of applications to co-exist on a card without messing each other up!
So what could this give you? In two words, Flexibility and Control Avoid having your supplier reinventing the wheel and incidentally locking you into it! Potential economies of scale by using a common format Potential for joining up with others at some time if you want to The ability to add services, applications etc to your cards in a common way The ability to have your services co-existing with transport applications (ITSO), other products such as SNAPI and third party products in a common way
SNAPI? This is a standards-based piece of personalisation software that enables card holders to invoke personal preferences when accessing a range of public devices which revert to their default state when the card is removed –Large font, colours, icon sizes, speed, etc –Vital for those with disabilities and really useful for the rest of us
Existing services (but if you need a new one we can sort it out very quickly) General Cardholder information Health including Donor status, Leisure, Trust levels, Special needs, Memberships, Employment Driver Permit, Cash Collection, Car & Cycle Parking, Access control, All sitting alongside ITSO transport and third party services
It would be great to work with an HE organisation to work out what else we should add to cover your needs We have a circulation list for dissemination and consultation and we meet bi-monthly, normally in London. We are always looking for new public sector members and supporters Resources are always a problem but if you can help us, or we can help you, mail me at Find us at