Project 8
Advertising Advertising Selling Selling Delivering Delivering
Product Place Price Promotion
What products/services will you sell?
Marketing Plan I. Product D’s Dress Shop will offer the following products and services: Dresses for Everyday Dresses for Special Occasions Cutting Sewing Zippers Buttonholes Alterations Save as: Marketing Plan – Project 8
Product Place Price Promotion
II. Place Day-to-day operations of the business will be conducted as follows: 1. Dress designing, fittings, and pattern-making will be conducted at the owner’s residence located at 123 Main Street, Brunswick, Ohio Dress fittings and product delivery will be conducted at the customer’s location or the business location which ever is most appropriate for the customer. The customer base will be within the Brunswick city limits.
Product Place Price Promotion
Fair Profit Too Cheap? Too Expensive?
III. Price D’s Dress Shop pricing structure is as follows: ItemPrice Dresses for Everyday$10.00 per hour Dresses for Special Occasions $15.00 per hour Alterations$5.00 per hour
Flyers or sell sheets Print advertisements Brochures or pamphlets Business cards newsletters Web sites Billboards Direct Mail
IV. Promotion D’s Dress Shop will use the following advertising methods: 1. Local newspaper advertisement 2. Distribute brochures, promotional letters, and/or business cards to local businesses in the Brunswick area (either in person or by direct mail). 3. Website created by the owner.