Order Vouchers and SmarTrip Cards
Not all local transportation systems in our area accept SmarTrip cards. MTA commuter bus customers should be the only recipients of SmartBenefits vouchers. Customers can exchange these vouchers for bus tickets. MARC and VRE customers can allocate their SmartBenefits to CommuterDirect.com and receive their rail tickets in the mail FREE of charge. The systems that do not accept SmarTrip cards are: – MTA Commuter Buses (Eyre, Keller and Dillon’s) – Marc – VRE
To order vouchers, click on the Order tab Select Order SmartBenefits Vouchers Type in the quantity of the voucher you want to order We will order 30 $1 vouchers, 30 $10 vouchers, and 30 $30 vouchers. The total for our order, $1230, will automatically fill in the TOTAL SMARTBENEFITS VOUCHER ORDER VALUE field. Click Submit. Home page screen here Order Screen here
If you need to order SmarTrip cards, you can also order them here. Enter the number of SmarTrip cards in the QUANTITY field. Each card costs $5. We will order 5 cards. The total for our order, $25, will automatically fill in the TOTAL field. Click Submit. You will receive the message, “Orders must be placed no later than the 15 th of each month.” Order Screen here
Each voucher or SmarTrip order is a one-time order. It does not repeat automatically. New orders must be placed each month between the 1 st and the 15 th.
The last two options under the order tab are: – Confirm Current Order – Order History
Administrators should come to the CONFIRM CURRENT ORDER screen on the 1 st business day after the 15 th of each month to check the total amount due to Metro. This amount may not be what you think it is because – Employees may not have claimed all of their benefits from the previous month – Unclaimed benefits will appear as a credit back to your account reducing your bill for that month. Home page screen here
To confirm your current order: Click on the Order tab. Select CONFIRM CURRENT ORDER This screen shows – Total order value – Credits – Payment due WMATA If the total for this order is more than $1000, you will receive a message that says your order will be delivered to your office after the 22 nd of the month as long as payments have been confirmed by WMATA. Late or rejected payments will result in late voucher delivery. Home page screen here Select CONFIRM CURRENT ORDER screen here
Here are a few things to remember as you view the Confirm Current Order screen: If the total for this order is more than $1000, you will receive a message that says your order will be delivered to your office after the 22 nd of the month as long as payments have been confirmed by the 1 st business day after the 15 th of the month. Late or rejected payments will result in late voucher delivery. If this screen does not agree with what you thought you owed, go back to the Program Management screen. Select Employee List, then download your employee list. Check your list against the order amount to see if there are any discrepancies.
Order History If you would like to review your previous orders for Smartrip cards or vouchers, you may do so by looking at your Order History. You may review up to 12 months of confirmed orders. If you need to review orders in excess of 12 months, contact your account representative who will be able to retrieve that information for you.
To review your order history click on the ORDER tab Select ORDER HISTORY The last 12 months of your order history will appear here. Home page here Order History page here.