TRAVEL Matthew Souter
Have you ever been abroad?
Do you prefer package holidays or independent travel? Package holiday = you pay the travel company and they arrange everything (transport, accommodation and sometimes food and entertainment) Independent travel = you arrange everything yourself
Your longest journey? When you travel from one place to another, you go on a journey. What's the longest journey you have been on in time? in distance?
Do you think that travel broadens the mind? 'Travel broadens the mind' means it increases our knowledge and understanding of different people, places and cultures. Do you think that travel broadens the mind?
What are the most popular destinations for Thai people? Your destination is the place where you are going when you travel. What are the most popular destinations for Thai people when they travel in Thailand? abroad? What country would you most like to visit? Why?
Round The World trip Work in pairs or small groups. Imagine you have a Round The World ticket. You can visit any five countries in the world. Which ones would you visit and what would you do?
Speaking examination practice Describe a long journey you have been on. You should say where you went what kind of transport you used what the good and bad things about the journey were and whether you would like to go on the same journey again and why.