A Patient’s Perspective on Lymphoma Melanie Phillips
February 2008: Feeling unwell, tired and generally miserable! GP visits: never same doctor twice 6+ months of investigation Nov 2008: Found a permanent GP Referral to Haematology Unit at Wythenshawe Progress at last! Summer 2008: planning a trip round the world
Investigation and Diagnosis November - December 2008 Investigations at Wythenshawe Hospital continue Blood tests, bone marrow biopsy (ouch!), chest X-ray and Lymph Node biopsy January 4 th 2010: Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma And referral to Christies (and date of scheduled departure for round the world trip) December 13th – Mel’s Leaving Do becomes ‘Mel’s not leaving do’
Treatment January 2010: Consultation with Christies Team Joined Clinical Trial February 6 th : First Chemotherapy I set up a facebook blog and online calendar to keep friends and family up to date
Treatment February 6 cycles of 2 doses of ABVD Neulasta injections at start as part of clinical trial Support from friends, family online ‘Buddies’ & Beechwood Jennifer : My Facebook pal and fellow patient across the Atlantic
Treatment Good bits: Great support from Nurses Lots of positive assurance about outcomes Regular contact with GP Still getting out and about lots! Still smiling! Still got hair (well mostly)! Bad bits Waiting times at hospital on treatment days Smell of hospital Anticipatory Nausea Chemotherapy – length of time Feb 2009: bring me sunshine!
Treatment Summer Chemo continues, good time for short hair! (and being out in the garden to lift spirits) Chemo every fortnight- gruelling but starting to feel improvements
June 2009: End almost in sight Weddings and wigs! July Finished chemo after straight ‘run’ of treatment
October 2009 Cycling to radiotherapy each day 10 sessions, daily Monday to Friday for 2 weeks A mid- radiotherapy weekend in Paris!
Happy Travels!
2010 Back to reality – back to work - Fewer holidays! quarterly check-ups Team on hand with any questions or worries Feeling good!