Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Jennifer Maday Grade 3 Saint Martin de Porres 2015/2016
Contact Information Jennifer Maday Teacher Web
September Dates September 8 th First Day of School Wrapping Paper Sale Begins September 9th Band Demo 2 p.m. September 14 th No School September 16th Class Photos September 17 th Safe Environment September 18 th Mass and Golf Tournament September 21st Individual Photos September 28 th Band lessons begin
Weekly Specials Monday-Library/Mathletics and Band Tuesday- Gym Wednesday- Computer and Music Thursday- Art and Spanish
Student Expectations Read at least 20 minutes each night Homework-effort shown, punctual Behavior- follows expectations Class work- follow directions and complete all work Be a friend to all Respect others Do their individual best always
Parent Expectations Willingness to guide child Homework- encourage effort Contact teacher- Teacher Web, note, Attendance- punctual Call Office to request work Absentee notes
Teacher Expectations Open communication Grade papers and post grades in a timely manner (within 5 days of the test) Love and care for your child Keep TeacherWeb updated Group and individual instruction
Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud Bulletin board will remind students of good qualities to have with those around us Children will be able to write down messages to others who are “bucket fillers” by demonstrating good qualities and acts of kindness to others
Discipline Procedures Clothespin Behavior Chart helps students to see how they are doing Reward of extra iPad time and/or a candy prize Lost recess or phone call home if consistent inappropriate behavior
Supplies 5 sharpened pencils daily homework notebook Homework folder Crayons and eraser notebooks, homework, and textbooks returned each day
Math Based on Common Core State Standards Weekly 100 fact tests - 5 minutes Math Maintenance weekly 20 point quiz Nightly homework & memorize basic facts
Mechanics Spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar usage graded throughout the curriculum Morning Sentences- “Save the Sentences” Spelling Homework nightly l list posted on TeacherWeb
Writing Detailed paragraphs I Can Statements Descriptive words Narrative, informative, opinion
Reading Genres Non-fiction Realistic fiction Poetry Plays Folktales Myths Historical Fiction
Reading Strategies Modeled or Shared reading Guided reading Independent reading Written work- guided reading responses, group work, independent responses Pearson Success
Science Plants and Animals Ecosystem Project Properties of Matter Heat Energy Forces and Nature Earth and Space
Social Studies Geography- comparing places and regions around the world Multicultural settings- comparing and examining different cultures Cultural Celebration
Religion Sadlier We Believe, School edition Parables, Miracles, Christian Community, Stewardship, Liturgical Year, the Church, and the Sacraments Archdiocesan Exams Jan. 21, 2016 and June 2, 2016
Report Card Grades Assessments 45% Quizzes 25% Classwork/Participation 20% Homework 10%
Weekly Folder Blue folder- office Tuesday and Thursday return following day Graded papers and teacher notices sent home on Friday Sign and return on Monday
Standardized Tests NYS ELA Test April 5-7, 2016 NYS Mathematics Test April 13-15, 2016 Samples of prior tests
Testing Round 1 Interim Assessment week of October 19th Round 2 Interim Assessment week of January 25th Mid-terms Religion, ELA, and Math begins January 12 th Finals Religion, ELA, and Math begins June 1st
Parent Conference Meeting Thursday, November 19 th or Friday, November 20th Please sign up for a time slot before you leave this evening Schedule will be posted on TeacherWeb
Again, thank you for allowing me to work with you and your child this year. It is going to be an amazing year!