Research Objectives MISCO International was commissioned to carry out market research among the general public. The research focused on a number of pre-identified products, mostly fruit and vegetables, meat products as well as a number of processed products. Amongst other aspects the survey explored: -Purchasing habits -Behavioural patterns -Consumer perceptions
Methodology… Research was carried out among 300 respondents using a face to face method. Interviews were carried out in 30 randomly selected localities (10 interviews per locality). Selection of respondents was based on a quota representative of the Maltese population in terms of age. Interviewing was carried out with the person in the household responsible for the shopping.
…Methodology Interviewing was based on an approved questionnaire designed by MISCO International for the purpose of this research. Fieldwork was carried out in March – April Completed questionnaires were checked and coded before being passed on for data input and analysis.
Purchasing Habits / Preferences… Where do you buy fruit and vegetables from?
…Purchasing Habits / Preferences Generally do you prefer to buy local or imported products?
Reasons for Preferring Local product The product is fresher49.1% It has a better taste45.8% It is more genuine16.4% To help the Maltese economy12.6%
General Level of Satisfaction with Maltese products
Satisfaction Levels
Purchases in Past Year 22 products made up of fruit and vegetables, meat products and processed products were identified. All showed an increase in consumption when compared to the previous year. Net increases -Fruit and Veg:+12.8% (grapes) to +43.4% (tomatoes) -Meat products:+23.6% (beef) to +40.0% (rabbits) -Processed products:+9.3% (wine)
Perception 77.7% said that there is enough variety of locally grown agricultural products. 79.0% claim that they would choose the local product from two equally priced products one of which was local and the other imported. 19.0% said it depends on the product. All fruit and vegetables identified (15 variants) are considered to be better than the imported product. (On average 4 out of 5). Meat and other products (6 variants) – similar outcome. Local processed products (14 products). Most local products are preferred with the exception of liqueurs.
Value for money of local products
Awareness of EU Funds 82.0% claimed that they are aware of the availability of EU funds for Maltese farmers. Utilisation of funds: -Nearly half of them (45.9%) said that such funds can be used for the improvement in the quality of the products -14.2% said that they can be used for the improvement of boundary walls of fields -13.8% said they can be used to buy or maintain equipment
EU Funds 44.3% said that the availability of EU funds to Maltese farmers changes their expectations of Maltese products. The expectations: -57.1% expect to see an improvement in the quality of the products -21.8% expect an improvement in the product presentation -18.8% expect more reasonable prices
Quality Perceptions 59.0% are of the opinion that there has been a change in product quality in the past two years. Nearly all (98.9%) believe that this change has been an improvement in quality.
Perception of European Laws concerning Farming
Other Perceptions, Behaviour 87.0% consider the Maltese farmer to be doing either a very good job (26.7%) or a good job (60.3%) in providing food while respecting the environment. 58.0% claim to know what an organic product is, however nearly half of them never buy them. 12.6% claim to buy organic products often and 41.4% claim to buy them but not often.