Technology Transfer 2005 Mid Atlantic Regional Support Office
n Nationwide network of over 700 Federal laboratories and R&D centers organized in 1974 and formally chartered by Congress in 1986 to promote and strengthen technology transfer throughout the U.S. n A forum that links technology with laboratory missions and the marketplace n 17 Departments and Agencies, conducting $70 billion in R&D annually and employing over 100,000 scientists and engineers. What is the Federal Laboratory Consortium?
What is the Federal Laboratory Consortium? (continued) Departments Agriculture Commerce Defense – Army – Air Force – Navy Education Energy Health and Human Services Interior Justice Labor Transportation Veterans Affairs Agencies Central Intelligence Agency Environmental Protection Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation Smithsonian Institute Tennessee Valley Authority
The vision of the FLC is to actively promote the fullest application and use of federal research and development (R&D) by providing an environment for successful technology transfer. The FLC Vision
n Enhance communication n Leverage R&D investments n Improve and innovate the technology transfer process FLC Goals and Objectives
Strategies n Create innovative partnerships n Influence technology policy n Optimize diverse resources n Strengthen the FLC structure n Lead the vision n Project a positive and consistent image
n Membership n Federal R&D laboratories and centers n Departments and agencies they represent n FLC Representatives n Each FLC member or group of members supports an FLC technology transfer representative Organization
n Governing bodies n Executive Committee n Vested with decision authority n Comprised of n Officers (e.g., FLC Chair and Vice-Chair) n Six Regional Coordinators n NIST representative Organization (continued)
n Executive Board n Makes policy in response to issues raised by membership n Comprised of n Members of Executive Committee n Eight At-Large Representatives n Chairs of FLC Committees Organization (continued)
Geographical Organization
n Provides improved communication and accessibility to individual laboratories in each region n Holds periodic meetings of regional member laboratories n Regional Structure n Each region elects a Regional Coordinator and Deputy Regional Coordinator n Regional Coordinator serves as major link in the FLC system Regional Organization
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer FLC Projects n Training n Awards n Networking n Web Site: n Locator Service n Publications and Newsletter n Legislation Intelligence n Exposition Sponsorship n Communities of Interest Fire Fighting Disability Technologies
n National interagency network of member laboratories and centers essential to effective technology transfer program n Significantly improves public and private access to Federal technology n Accessible through FLC Representatives, Regional Coordinator, Laboratory Locator, or officers n Puts the potential user in contact with appropriate Federal laboratory experts FLC Technology Transfer Activities and Services
n Electronic communications system n State-of-the-art electronic communications system links FLC Representatives n Up-to-date web site that provides FLC members and potential partners with n Data about technology transfer within the laboratories n Launch pad to hundreds of Federal laboratory web servers n Access to searchable databases FLC Technology Transfer Activities and Services (continued)
n Go to n Click on the Locator icon n Fill out the Form n Click Submit
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer FLC National Meeting n May 1-6, 2005 n Training n Networking n Awards n Presentations and Performances n Department/Agency Planning Meetings n At least 5 participants from ARL and Edgewood CB Center
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer FLC Mid Atlantic Regional n September 13-15, 2004 n Hershey Lodge, Hershey, PA n Program Intermediaries Linking TT Strategies to Agency Strategies Fortune 500 Company Tech Transfer Requirements NIH-Organized Session Communities of Interest Best Practices Awards Training
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer Calendar March 28-30, 2005World’s Best TechArlington, TX May 1-6, 2005FLC NationalOrlando, FL May 25-26, 2005Community/FederalMaryland R&D Partnerships Sept 13-15FLC RegionalHershey, PA Sept 27-28,2005Manufrg AccelerationGaithersburg, MD Novr 2-3, 2005Preparing Mind forSilver Spring, MD Peak Performance
Contact FLC Chair Ed Linsenmeyer, FLC Chair Naval Surface Warfare Center - Coastal Systems Station 6703 West Highway 98 Panama City, FL , phone , fax
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer Contact Mid-Atlantic Regional Coordinator Dr. J. Scott Deiter, Mid-Atlantic Regional Coordinator Indian Head Division Naval Surface Warfare Center 101 Strauss Avenue Indian Head, MD , phone , fax
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer Mid Atlantic Support Office n Pendulum Management LLC State Road 62, Suite 218 Charlestown, IN John Eichelberger, Contractor