Publication / Fit for Purpose Kirsty Anderson Principal Information Analyst
Publication – Consultation Existing cancer waiting times statistics need to be replaced with a new series of figures Consultation document produced to summarise ISD’s proposals for the new series of official statistics due to be published Consultation started on 23 rd October Consultation document / feedback form ed to various colleagues and published on the ISD website Consultation closed on 8 th January and analysis of feedback completed
Publication – Consultation Feedback ISD received 31 feedback responses from the consultation on publication of new cancer waiting times statistics Approximately 75% of responses on behalf of the whole organisation or as an individual
Publication – Consultation Feedback Proposed tables showing performance against the 62/31 day target 83% of respondents agreed that Tables 1 & 2 met their needs in full
Publication – Consultation Feedback Proposed table outline for trend information on performance against targets 87% of respondents said that they were happy with the proposed presentation of trend data
Publication – Consultation Feedback Proposed graphs and tables showing the overall distribution of waiting times Nearly 70% of responders were happy with the distribution of waiting times proposals
Publication – Consultation Feedback Proposed tables showing exclusions and waiting times adjustments 79% of respondents agreed with the proposals to publish data on exclusions and waiting times adjustments
Publication – Consultation (Next steps) Further comments made by responders on these tables/publication are being considered at present Working with the Scottish Government statisticians to propose recommendations for final publication tables/layout A paper will be produced for the consideration of the National Cancer Waiting Times Delivery Group Finalised Consultation Feedback Report will be published (March 2010)
Publication – Timeline Existing cancer waiting times targets will be published up until May 2010 Communication to Board Chief Executives confirming that current data collection for existing targets should cease, to focus on the publication of new targets in June 2010
Fit for Purpose Publication timeline requires the new cancer waiting times data being fit for purpose –New cancer waiting times information recorded by NHS Boards must be of sufficient quality and reliability to publish –Figures showing performance against the new targets will first be published on ISD’s website during June 2010 –ISD Scotland will work with NHS Boards and the Scottish Government to monitor the completeness and quality of the information submitted by NHS Boards
Fit for Purpose Fit for Purpose exercise to monitor the completeness and quality of the information submitted by NHS Boards Work with boards and the Scottish Government to assess fit for purpose by: Seeking advice from the boards, Scottish Government, ISD New Ways colleagues, and our English and Welsh counterparts Produce high-level plan of work activities/tasks, for example: - Quarterly case ascertainment report - Calculate cohort/baseline for each cancer site - Number of Patients Diagnosed During Quarter (Actual from SCWaTS) - 3 year ( ) Quarterly Average Number of Cancer Registrations - Estimated Case Ascertainment (actual/cancer reg*100) - Compare with existing CWT targets (indicative levels) Require boards to re-submit Oct – Dec 09 data, in order to generate an accurate and complete quarterly extract to use as a baseline to analyse fit for purpose