Strategy Development Group 1 Maximising our Reach (Services & Knowledge)


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Presentation transcript:

Strategy Development Group 1 Maximising our Reach (Services & Knowledge)

What has already been decided? Reason for the strategic review: To confront, in consultation with staff, trustees and major stakeholders, the real-world issues that impact on Nordoff Robbins future sustainability. Whilst protecting the quality of service delivery, core values and passion, and the commitment to transforming lives.

Vision 2020 The vision: ‘Securing the essence of Nordoff Robbins and, together, building a sustainable and impactful future’

Vision 2020 To increase by 100% the number of people whose lives we transform To establish NR as the music industry’s charity of choice whilst broadening income streams to increase our income in proportion to our reach To build on our profile and presence to became a household name in relation to music therapy

Vision 2020 To develop an organisational structure that supports our business ensuring NR is flexible, responsive, supported through a diversity of raised and earned income, is the ‘partner of choice’ providing music therapy to all who need/want it, an employer of choice and a provider of high quality volunteering opportunities.

Strategy Development Groups Group 1:Maximising our reach (services and knowledge) Group 2:Protecting and increasing our income Group 3:Protecting and developing the NR essence - by training enough practitioners to meet need and curating reflective practice and research.

The Process 2013: The vision and strategic intent were developed by CEO, SMT and trustees 2014:March - June Strategic development groups 1, 2 and :July SMT/Trustee synthesis meeting 2014: Sept-December Strategic implementation group

Strategy Group 1 First meeting 14 th April 2014 What do we mean by ‘reach’ and what questions do we want this group to explore? HOMEWORK IN BETWEEN Second meeting 1 st May 2014 Our strategic questions on ‘reach’ and our strategic answers HOMEWORK IN BETWEEN Third meeting 3rd June 2014 Review of the draft to be taken to the synthesis group of trustees and SMT

Other sources of evidence for this group Consultations with Music Therapists - ‘have your say’ Interviews and discussions throughout NR Asking people who use our services Asking partner organisations Asking our competitors

Why are we doing this? So that more people and communities can benefit from Nordoff Robbins services, in more places and in more ways Putting the service user first, at the heart of everything we do

How has it been for you? With a partner, spend 5 minutes each saying what your experience of the NR strategy process has been so far. Have you been involved? Not involved? Heard about it? And what are your hopes and fears for the strategy? Be ready to tell the group about your partner’s views: their involvement to date and their hopes and fears

What is ‘reach’ and why does it matter? ‘the extent or range of something's application, effect, or influence’ ‘Who we work with, offering what services, and where’

What’s your take on it? Rachel’s Story Where did I start? Asked to grow the service Responded to everyone that came and asked us Responded to where the gaps were ‘Let’s do as much as we can for as many people as we can in as many places as we can!’ The NR approach can help everybody

What’s your take on it? Rachel’s Story What happened to my thinking? Danger of spreading ourselves too thinly Need to focus finite resources to help the people, places and communities that will benefit most Need to focus in order to build evidence base and reputation Should we aim to reach/focus on: The largest number of people? The widest geographical spread? Certain specific client groups? Certain specific settings or organisations?

What’s your take on it? Rachel’s Story And now? It may not be about ‘choosing’ one client group, age range or geographical area over another. Can we focus on people who are the most ‘hard to reach’ and isolated or who struggle most with communicating and: Can we focus on identifying and fostering communities to which they belong and can contribute? Do we also have a special role to play in helping to prevent future problems from developing?

What’s your take on it? Rachel’s Story And also… We need to maximise our reach in terms of knowledge Who needs to know about us? –Potential service users, their families, carers and friends –Funders –People who might work for us and help deliver the service –General public

What we think ‘reach’ means In three groups get together to discuss your group answers and write a presentation for the main group: What does ‘reach’ mean to you and why? What does NR have to take into account in order to get where it needs to be? What are the group’s conclusions?

Discussion Aim of our discussion: To agree on our definition of ‘reach’ and why it matters

What strategic questions shall we ask? Write on as many post-its as you can, questions that you think this group needs to answer in order for a sensible strategy on ‘reach’ to be developed Have a look at others’ questions and keep writing We can edit later so just brainstorm

Any themes emerging? Let’s group the questions into themes What picture is emerging? Look at the themes and decide if all the questions belong to that theme or even to this SDG

Choose a theme In your small group look at the questions in your chosen theme Roll them up into up to 3 key questions for this SDG to answer and take to the synthesis meeting Present your questions with your thinking behind them

The key questions We should now have a set of key questions that this group should address Are they the right ones? Anything missing?

Homework Either with partners or on your own, decide which questions you are going to answer in draft for the next session Tell the group what your plan is

Feedback Please complete our feedback form so we can build in your comments Date of next meeting is 1 May 2014