Public Act 259 of 2014 established the State Tuition Assistance Program (STAP) This presentation provided courtesy of the Career Counselors of the Michigan Army National Guard
How much does MING-STAP pay? MING-STAP pays up to $600 per semester hour, $415 per quarter hour, or $40 per clock hour up to $6,000 per fiscal year. The $6,000 annual cap can also be applied to fees that are DIRECTLY associated with classes (i.e. lab fees). MING-STAP does not cover fees such as: Health Services Fees; Building or Facility Fees; or Student Activity Fees. Soldiers must provide details of the fees on their application. MING-STAP cannot be used for books. What degrees may I earn using MING-STAP? Certificate, Associate, Baccalaureate, Masters or First Professional Degree. Up to 144 credits for an undergraduate degree and up to 42 credits for a Graduate Degree or Certificate. *Note: Vocational school, technical school, or trade school located in this state are eligible for MING-STAP
Yeah, but who IS eligible? All Michigan National Guard traditional and AGR Soldiers /Airmen in an active drilling status are eligible. Mobilized or deployed Army National Guard Soldiers are eligible. All ranks are eligible to apply! Must have contracted for a 6 year obligation at least once in their career Must be in good standing with no flags! Must have a current Physical Health Assessment (PHA) You must obtain a 2.0 GPA for Undergraduate and/or a 3.0 GPA for Graduate, on a 4.0 scale for each class for which you request MING-STAP. NOTE: You must first apply for Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA), if you are eligible to apply.
So Who Is Not Eligible? Soldier who are flagged are not eligible for MING-STAP. Soldiers who accrued four or more periods of unexcused absences or unsatisfactory periods in the previous twelve months are not eligible for MING-STAP. Soldiers who do not have a current physical health assessment (or PHA) are not eligible for MING-STAP. Soldiers pursuing a lateral or lower degree are not eligible for MING-STAP. Example: A second Bachelors Degree, or already having a Bachelors and pursuing an Associates degree. Soldiers who are eligible to apply for FTA and do not even attempt to apply for FTA. NOTE: Soldiers who do not obtain 2.0 GPA for Undergraduate and/or a 3.0 GPA for Graduate, on a 4.0 scale for each class, WILL NOT BE REIMBURSTED.
Can I use MING- STAP with FTA together? Yes! As long as FTA does not cover 100% of tuition & fees, MING-STAP can be used to cover remaining tuition and/or eligible fees. For example: If the class tuition is $300 per credit hour and your FTA pays $250 per credit hour, then MING-STAP can pay the remaining $50 per credit hour. FTA will be applied first in determining eligible MING-STAP assistance amounts.
I used up all my FTA this year. Can I now use MING-STAP? Roger that! If you exhausted all 16 credits of FTA, or don’t have enough FTA left to cover all your remaining classes; MING-STAP can be used to cover the remaining tuition and/or eligible fees. Check this out: If the first semester you took 16 credits and FTA covered all your tuition, then the next semester can be covered by using MING-STAP; up to the $600 per Semester hour cap and the $6000 total annual allocation.
I am an ROTC Cadet & contracted as an SMP. Can I use MING-STAP? Affirmative! As an ROTC Cadet, if you contracted with the Michigan National Guard under the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP); then you are eligible to apply for the MING-STAP. Strategy: Any ROTC, Dedicated National Guard Guard (DEDNG) or Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) scholarships that were applied against your tuition will be calculated first before MING-STAP can reimburse the remaining tuition and fee costs. If those scholarships were applied to Room and Board costs and NOT to tuition, then MING-STAP may reimburse a larger tuition amount.
What if I do not qualify for FTA? If you are unable to register for FTA through GoArmyEd, you can still apply for MING-STAP. You will have to submit your application and you must include in your the reason why you cannot request FTA through GoArmyEd. Example of different reasons: You are pursuing your Masters and do not meet the 10 year Time in Service (TIS) requirement for FTA. Those who have not completed 1 year after AIT/BOLC can apply directly to MING-STAP because they do not qualify for FTA.
So at which schools can I use MING-STAP? As a state funded program, MING-STAP can only be used at eligible educational institutions as defined by the Michigan Legislature PA 259 of “Eligible educational institution” means an on line, public or private college, university, vocational school, technical school, or trade school located IN the state of Michigan.
Does my Commander need to sign anything? Depends; Michigan Army National Guard Soldiers do not need their Commander’s signature on the application. This is because verification of “Good Standing” with the unit will be checked through SIDPERS. Members of the Michigan Air National Guard do require their Commander’s signature to verify “good standing” with their unit.
Is there anything else I should know? When applications are due: Applications for MING-STAP may be submitted up to 60 days prior to the class start date and must be submitted no later than 14 days after the class start date. Can I still receive MING-STAP if I’m receiving a Pell Grant? Yes, since a Pell Grant can be used to assist with other education related expenses such as books, supplies and other course related materials. Can MING-STAP be used to help pay for books? No, MING-STAP does not reimburse the cost of books or study materials
So How do I sign UP!? Begin by going to:
Once on the site you will select the + tab beside Educational Assistance You will need to click on the link for Michigan National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program (MING-STAP)
Once you selected the link for MING-STAP, you will be presented with multiple options: >Public Act 259 of 2014 >Service Member Checklist >Application >Statement of Understanding >W-9 Form >Frequently Asked Questions So can you walk me through each link? 1. You must fill out the Application and W-9 Form. 2. Print & sign the Statement of Understanding, Application & W all documents to (Or
Public Act of 2014 Act No. 259 Public Act of 2014 Approved by the Governor July 1, 2014 Filed with the Secretary of State July 1, 2014 Effective Date: July 1, 2014 This is the Act that approved MING-STAP!
SERVICE MEMBER CHECKLIST APPLICATION _ Read and Sign the Statement of Understanding _ Certified Degree Plan (All Courses taken must be listed on the degree plan and approved by the school) _ Complete the Application _ Course Schedule _ Tuition Estimate _ W-9 _ Submit documents to : DMVA-State Operations REIMBURSEMENT _ Itemized Tuition Bill _ Final Grade Report _ Submit documents to : DMVA-State Operations MING-STAP provides a checklist to ensure all paperwork is filled out and submitted!!!
APPLICATION Don’t worry! The application is very simple! You will need the following: -Course/School Information Edit this form before printing! The form should be edited online. There are drop down boxes for Rank, Component, and Duty Status. After completing your required blocks you can print it and sign it.
Statement of Understanding I understand the State of Michigan sponsors the State Tuition Assistance Program. The state legislature appropriates funds for this program annually. If, in the future, the State does not fund the State Tuition Assistance Program, or funds are depleted, neither the State of Michigan nor the Michigan National Guard is obligated to continue such a program or pay out existing obligations. I understand that State Tuition Assistance will cover fees directly related to courses, such as registration fees, lab fees, and on-line learning fees. I understand that State Tuition Assistance is not authorized to reimburse activity fees, technology fees, books, room and board expenses, and other school-related fees.
Statement of Understanding (Continued-1) Membership criteria: I am a member of the Michigan National Guard; or am a Trainee - Awaiting Basic or Technical Training. I must maintain active status in the Michigan National Guard throughout the entire course/term for which reimbursement is tendered. Courses which end after my Expiration Term of Service (ETS) date are not eligible for payment. I understand that if I am a Trainee – Awaiting Basic or Technical Training, I must accept the first available training dates afforded, or I will lose program eligibility.
Statement of Understanding (Continued-2) Satisfactory participation: No more than four (4) periods of Unexcused Absence during the last 12 months. I am not under suspension of favorable actions (Army) or adverse administrative actions (Air) IAW applicable regulation and policy. I am in compliance with APFT (Army) or Physical Fitness Standards (Air) and the height/weight standards.
State Tuition Assistance Payment Request Processing: I understand that I must submit the following (Next Slide) supporting documents to my unit in sufficient time for them to arrive at the Department of Military & Veterans Affairs-State Operations Budget Office no later than 45 calendar days after the last official day of the course/term. Accelerated Programs: Soldiers and Airmen enrolled in accelerated programs, where several terms are completed during the course of a normal semester/quarter schedule, should submit requests in groups that correspond with a normal semester/quarter. Request payment no more than once for each semester: Statement of Understanding (Continued-3)
Statement of Understanding (Continued-4) What I am required to submit: Grades: I will provide the State Operations Budget Office with proof of successful completion of approved courses within 45 calendar days of completion of the class for which I am requesting Michigan National Guard State Tuition Assistance reimbursement. Grades from the internet are acceptable. Final fee statement: Must be dated after course completion and provided by the institution that clearly shows the amount of tuition charged. The final fee statement must include all other benefits paid, or pending payment, directly to the institution on the Service Member’s behalf (e.g. FTA/ACES TA, CH 33/Post 9-11 GI BILL, ROTC tuition scholarship). If the fee statement does not clearly show the amount of tuition charged or other federal payments, I will obtain a letter from the institution that includes this information and lists a point of contact at the institution.
Statement of Understanding (Continued-5) Additional requirements: I must attend an eligible educational institution, such as a public or private college, university, vocational school, technical school, or trade school located in this state. Courses that earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are not eligible for State Tuition Assistance. The maximum lifetime benefit that I may receive under this program is funding equivalent to 144 semester/208 quarter of undergraduate credit or a baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first. Soldiers and Airmen may use up to 42 semester hours of graduate credit of a master’s or professional degree, whichever comes first. Post-Bachelor’s credit toward a certificate program will count against the graduate credit limit.
Statement of Understanding (Continued-6) Coursework must be completed in accordance with the following guidelines: Undergraduate Coursework. I must achieve a grade of “C” or better, “Pass” or “Satisfactory” and maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 or better on a 4.0 scale. I understand that the State of Michigan will not reimburse me for any course(s) from which I “withdraw” or receive a failing grade. Vocational, technical or trade school must submit the pass/fail documentation or a certificate of completion provided at the end of the course.
Statement of Understanding (Continued-7) Incomplete Coursework: I understand that, if I have an incomplete course, I should still request payment for all completed classes for that course/term by submitting documents to Department of Military & Veterans Affairs- State Operations Budget Office within the 45 calendar day suspense. Retain a copy of all paperwork to submit upon completion of incomplete coursework. I understand that I must submit the fee statement and grades to the State Operations Budget Office within 45 calendar days of course completion date. I understand that within 45 calendar days of the course completion date I must provide a grade report showing satisfactory completion to the Department of Military & Veterans Affairs- State Operations Budget Office.
Statement of Understanding (Continued-8) Termination: I understand that the submission of a falsified grade report, transcript, final fee statement, fraudulent application form or an attempt to receive funds for which I’m not eligible, results in termination from the Michigan National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program for a minimum of one year. I further understand that I may be subject to prosecution under the Michigan Code of Military Justice (MCMJ) or Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for utilizing a falsified grade report, transcript, final fee statement or fraudulent application.
The W-9 Form: THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ONLINE !! Follow the instructions, and fill out all applicable blanks. Do not forget to sign the W-9 Form before submitting. SUBMIT W-9 Electronically to: Instructions for how to properly fill out a W-9 are provided.
Check On Learning Can you answer the following questions?:
QuestionAnswer How much does MING-STAP pay? $600 per semester hour $415 per quarter hour $40 per clock hour $6,000 per fiscal year How do I apply? Go to Complete Statement of Understanding (SOU), Application and W-9 Form documents to When are applications due? No more than 60 days prior to class start date No later than 14 days after class start date Can MING-STAP be used to pay for books?No! What degrees and skill training may I earn using MING-STAP? Associate – Baccalaureate – Masters or First Professional and Certificate! ALSO … Vocational, Technical and Trade school How many credits will MING-STAP pay for? Up to 144 credits for an Undergraduate degree. Up to 42 credits for a Graduate degree. Certificates can be earned during both stages. Can I use MING-STAP for a second degree?No, Soldiers pursuing a lateral or lower degree are not eligible for MING-STAP.
QUESTIONS Contact your Unit Full time Admin NCO or Unit Career Counselor
Point of Contact: Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) State Operations – Budget Office 3423 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Lansing, MI Phone: Fax: Website: Or contact the State Operations office: