“The Yellow Wallpaper” Charlotte Perkins-Gilman
Published story in 1899; overlooked because women were not expected as writers Women basically wrote about “the domestic sphere” which was not seen as important in the patriarchal (male-dominated) society When it was written, in literature: Women = Emotion Men = Reason
Story rediscovered by the feminist criticism in the s Feminist criticism challenged “the literary canon” (which was made up of [dead] white males) Primary critics were males
The Roots of the Story Written after Perkins-Gilman was treated by Dr. Weir for female “hysteria” with the “rest cure” No knowledge/understanding of postpartum depression (Reason/logic says babies are happy, not depressing) “Rest Cure” = all domestic activities/rest; no/limited intellectual activities; anything involving thinking was prohibited For Perkins-Gilman, this was especially cruel because she was a writer
Basic Plot of the Story Setting: –Late 1800s/Early 1900s –Science > Imagination –Abandoned mansion with bars on the windows, shackles on the walls, and bolts on the bed legs Characters of Upper Middle Class –1 st Person Narrator—Jane (wife/mother) –John (husband/doctor)
Look for the Symbolism of… Jane Husband Journal Room Wallpaper Color Yellow Rope Illness