STRIVE TOWARD FREEDOM By: Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote it describes The philosophy behind the successful boycott
NECESSARY TO PROTECT OURSELVES By: Malcom X’s Malcom X’s interview tells how we Should have the right to defend ourselves
A WORN PATH By: Eudora Welty Phoenix Jackson walks long Distances to town to get Medicine for her boy
AMBUSH By: Tim O’Brien His daughter asks if he killed Someone, he tells her no, then The story flashes back to him When he killed someone
WHY SOLDIERS WON’T TALK By: John Steinbeck Soldiers after war aren’t “normal” because of events In war
AN OCCURRENCE AT OWL CREEK BRIDGE By: Ambrose Bierce The guy actually dies, but His mind makes him seem Like he didn’t
A ROSE FOR EMILY By: William Faulkner Miss Emily Grierson, a creepy lady in town Once dead people find a mans corpse in attic Behind locked door, in a bed…..
THE STORY OF AN HOUR By: Kate Chopin Mrs. Mallard’s husband dies, she Is happy but then finds out he is Alive, then she dies of a heart attack Because she was “morning his death”
THE YELLOW WALLPAPER By: Charlotte Perkins Gilman A lady goes crazy in a yellow Wallpapered room
ADAM By: Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Mr. Sousa’s wife had a baby Named Peter he is very happy Cause its his 1 st child and They thought it would never Be able to happen
THE DEVIL AND TOM WALKER By: Washington Irving Tom Walker takes money From devil bad consequences
THE TELL TALE HEART By: Edgar Alan Poe Guy goes crazy and kills an Old man because he had a Weird eye and almost gets Away with it then he hears The heart beat and he tells The cops
THE RAVEN By: Edgar Alan Poe A poem about a raven taping On a guys chamber door
THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER By: Edgar Alan Poe Impossible to read/understand Guy comes to house. A Friend (owner of house) Burries twin in basement, She gets out kills him guy Leaves house closes In on itself
By: Ralph Waldo Emerson Non-conformity……….. Good luck
By: Ralph Waldo Emerson Nature…………..
By: Henry David Thoreau Dude lived in forest with nothing from the outside world…..pay attention
By: Cynthia G. La Ferle Tries to do what walden did but can’t live without laptop
By: Henry David Thoreau Listen to Dr. Shubert
By: Gandhi Dr. Shubert teaches this very well
SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD By: Jonathan Edwards Priest speech
SPEECH IN THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION By: Patrick Henry Give me liberty or give me death
DECLARATION OF INDEPENENCE By: Thomas Jefferson You should know. This states why we are free
9/11 By: George W. Bush To calm America