Social Studies Ohio History Third Grade SS Strands By: Jane Taynor
Table of Contents #1. American Heritage #2. People in Societies #3. World Interactions #4. Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities #5. Democratic Process #6. Decision Making and Resources #7. Science, Technology, and Society
Strand #1 American Heritage The students will be responsible for asking a family member for information concerning their ancestry or heritage.When the students bring their heritage information to school we will make it into a report. The students will discuss the similarities and differences in their reports. The students will then write a comparison paper using elements from their discussion. The students will browse the Internet for information about the heritage of Ohio.The students will also have access to encyclopedias if the Internet is not functioning.
Strand #1 Activities Cont. The students will find information on when Ohio was established, what it was like then and how things have changed when discussing heritage. The students will create a heritage timeline and plot all of the changes that occur in the heritage of Ohio.
Websites Strand #1 Ohio History Is Alive Ohio State web page Ohio History Central Ohio History State website
Strand #2 People in Societies The students will observe their society for a day. The students will discuss as a class what type of society they live in. The class will research the history of Ohio to find out what cultures were present. They will also be responsible for identifying what culture they come from. Students will be put into groups of four. Each group will be given a culture to explore that is either in todays society or yesterdays society. If a group chooses a culture that was present in both the past and today then they must compare the cultures differences.
Strand #2 Activities Cont. Each group will be responsible for presenting a report about each culture. The reports can be presented in various manners.(song, play, oral report, poem, book,etc…) After the students have given their report, the class will have a culture festival where all of the cultures researched will be represented.
Websites Strand #2 Ohio History Is Alive Ohio State web page Ohio History Central Ohio History State website
Strand #3 World Interactions As a class we will discuss the fur trade and its benefits to the state of Ohio. The students will make up a sales list for the fur trade. They will simulate a fur trade using school based items (pencils, erasers, glue, paper, books). The class will study the migration in Ohio’s history from the late 1700’s to the 1900’s. People came from Germany, Ireland, France, and Switzerland just to name a few.
Strand #3 Activities Cont. As a class we will discuss the reasons for the migration to Ohio from the various areas. Why would they come to Ohio? The student will compare the world relations of today to the past. What is different? What is the same? The students will br responsible for watching the news in the morning before school. They are to write a journal about what they talk about that pertains to world relations with the U.S. At school we will log on to to look at the news.
Websites Strand #3 Ohio History Is Alive Ohio State web page Ohio History Central Ohio History NBC News
Strand #4 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities The students will research the Internet for documentation and find out what rights and responsiblities the Ohioans had when ohio was first established in Compare those findings to the rights and responsibilities of the citizens today. Discuss as a group what the city of Dayton would be like if those rights and resposibilities were still enforced.
Strand #4 Activities Cont. The students will then focus on the rights and responsponsiblilites were of children. What jobs would they have if they lived when their greatgrandparents lived? The students will then form a council. They will decide what rights and responsibilities the students will have to follow for the rest of the week. Any student who wishes not to follow the list will be put in jail ( but will still have to do the work).
Websites Strand #4 State website Ohio History Is Alive Ohio State web page Ohio History Central Ohio History
Strand #5 Democratic Process Have the students browse the websites given to find out what types of groups or institutions were developed based on the want for social equality. Discuss what types of groups or institutions are in the area today that are here for the same reason. The class will research famous people in Ohio’s history to find out who fought for equality. One student will be chosen to present a biography on one person.
Strand #5 Activities Cont. The students will design a group that they think would work in today’s society to make people feel equality. The students will research the Underground Railroad and Clement L. Vallandigham which was the leader of the Peace Democrats party.
Websites Strand #5 Oplin Library Ohio History Central Ohio History Is Alive State website Ohio History
Strand #6 Decision Making and Resources The students will discuss the government of Ohio and who holds the power positions. The class will create their own local government. We will elect 1 governor, 1 mayor, and the rest of the class will be the city council. They will be in charge of running the City of Taynor. They will discuss the happening of the city and what needs to be added to the the city. They must go through all of the steps to get the ideas approved. The students must make up their own set of taxes. They will decide what will be taxed and how much it will be taxed.
Strand #6 Activities Cont. The students will develop their own industry. They will need to figure out what types of products will be manufactured and sold in the state of Ohio. They must draw a picture of the product manufactured and build a model of what the company would look like using cardboard, construction paper, markers, glue and other various materials. The students will research the history of Ohio to look at the past industries that worked well for the financial advancement of Ohio.
Websites Strand #6 Oplin Library Ohio History Central Ohio History Is Alive State website Ohio History
Strand #7 Science,Technology and Society The students will be studying birds in their sciences unit. The students will write and important poem about the cardinal, which is the Ohio state bird, related to science facts about birds. The class will discuss the other various animals that you would find in Ohio. They are to write a short paragraph about the animal and then draw a picture of that particular animal.
Strand #7 Activities Cont. The students will get to look at a farmers almanac to determine what the weather will be for a particular day. Each student will pick one day and predict what will really happen on that day. The students will go on a field trip to the Wright Patt Airforce Base. While the students are there they will be responsible for looking at the technology of the aircraft and then when they return to school they will compare it to the technology of the first airplane. They will each be able to create their own plane out of bulsa wood and other materials. The students will develop a set criteria for the society of Ohio. Who it contains? How it is operated? Where everything takes place.
Websites Strand #7 Ohio History Is Alive Ohio State web page Ohio History Central Ohio History State website