River Ridge Elementary Room Parent Orientation Casey Aguilar – Room Parent Coordinator Suanne Wolhford – Volunteer Coordinator
PTO Officers/Chairs President: Sam Beavers CO VP – Fund-raising: Anna De Jong & Michelle Johns VP – Event Planning: Katie Taylor Secretary: Carolyn Staub Treasurer: Ellyn Gilbert
PTO Officers/Chairs con't Room Parent Coordinator: Casey Aguilar Volunteer Coordinator: Suanne Wohlford Spirit Chairs: Jennifer Shiver & Mariam Bielinski Membership & Parliamentarian: George Damron Literacy Coordinator: April King Teacher/Staff Hospitality: Amy Johnson & Jackie Michael Assistant Treasurer: Sandy Clark Labels Coordinator: Jenifer Palmer Grant Writer: Bev Corder Website: Caroline Matthews Social Chairs: Amanda Cooper & Kelly Butterworth
Room Parent Responsibilities Organize and plan class parties and events with classroom teacher Prepare a classroom directory Assist the hospitality committee with Sweets Days Optional – Organize classroom gifts for teacher(s) Optional – Assist the teacher/PTO committee with additional events throughout the year (i.e. - graduation, spirit days, Santa breakfast)
Events Bulldog Bop Family Dance/Fall Raffle and Cake Walk November 12th Each class will donate one item for the raffle. parents to see if they own a business that can donate an item Cake walk: 2-3 bake items donated per class
Events, con't Sweet Treats Day Pre K & Kindergarten: Friday, September 24 1st Grade: Friday, October 29 2nd grade: Friday, January 28 3rd Grade: Friday, February 25 4th Grade: Friday, March 25 5th Grade: Friday, April 29
Odds and Ends Enter the school through the front doors by the office Always sign-in at the computer station and print your volunteer name badge Please wear this badge in an obvious manner the entire time you are in the school You will also need to check-out on this computer when you are finished Helpful forms will be available on the PTO website
Odds and Ends Please dress appropriately while working in the school Columbia County adheres to a dress code for students, and as guests in the school, we must be dressed in a manner that respects these guidelines
Odds and Ends Go directly to your volunteer location. Refrain from dropping by your child’s classroom unannounced. This includes walking by the door and waving to your child. Instructional time is valuable and even these small acts can be disruptive. Cell phones should be silenced while in the school building.
Odds and Ends Do not bring treats or gifts to the students you will be working with unless pre-approved by the teacher you are helping There will be helpful resources available at the PTO Website for all Room Parents to access
Confidentiality Volunteers must be especially careful to honor the confidential nature of information that we encounter while working in the school Breaches can harm: the students, school and volunteers reputation
Examples “Wasn’t it cute when John...” No matter how innocent, cute, funny or charming a classroom event may be, it is not okay to repeat stories about students. When you see or overhear something- As a volunteer, you might see or hear information from staff or students which they would not want to have repeated outside the school. When a student tells you something that causes you concern- tell the classroom teacher. If you observe something that troubles you, tell the classroom teacher.
Professionalism Strive to give each child the best you can Recognize that each child is an individual with personal strengths and weaknesses If working in your child’s classroom, try not to single them out for attention as this may make your child or another student uncomfortable Don’t distract teachers while they are teaching- please hold all questions until an appropriate moment Honor you commitments and be on time
Professionalism Find ways to be positive and take note of successful moments Try to make any criticism constructive Clean up after you finish your volunteer activity Do not use your position as a volunteer to confront your child’s peers over personal conflicts. Discuss these conflicts with your child’s classroom teacher at an appropriate time.
Teacher Suggestions Coordinate student birthday celebrations each month Coordinate teacher gifts with room parents from the same team in upper grades