Unit One Overview Welcome Back
Chapter 2 England begins to take control of the seas by the 1500’s by those like Sir Walter Raleigh backed by Queen Elizabeth. England’s surplus population gives America its newest colonists along with those thirsty for adventure, religious freedom and financial opportunities.
KEY WORDS and PEOPLE JOINT STOCK COMPANIES Virginia Company of London –Important for promising same rights as those at home TOBACCO Lord De La Warr Irish tactics against the Native Americans Powhatan Pocahontas John Rolfe Lord Baltimore: Maryland and Catholics Please See Chart on Page 37
Chapter 3 The Idea of Predestination antinomianism Puritans/Pilgrims William Bradford: Gov. 30x Mass. Bay Company: Non Separatists Puritans; Boston Hub John Winthrop Gov. 48,000 to W.Indies
KEY WORDS and PEOPLE Mayflower Compact Anne Hutchinson: spoke out against the church and banished Roger Williams: Religious tolerance in RI Pequot War: 1637 Pequot tribe massacred by English after 40 years of peace with the N.A’s. King Philip: Metacom; the last serious Native American challenge to colonists in a war towns attacked; 12 destroyed. William Penn: 1681 Secured land from King; Freedom of worship; developed strong dislike of slavery; progression towards social reform.
Breakdown of the Colonies
Northern (New England) New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island Rocky land Milling Manufacturing Fishing Waterwheel power Education Important Town meetings
Middle New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania Fertile soil Bread Colonies (exports of grain) Rivers (fur trade) Lumbering/ shipbuilding Seaports Midsized farms Population ethnically mixed
Southern Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland Large plantations Rice, tobacco, later, indigo and cotton Slavery Education not so important County Government
Chapter 4 Freedom Dues: Passage for several years of service Headright System: paid passage of laborer and received right to acquire 50 acres of land Bacon’s Rebellion: 1676 Nathanial Bacon Forced outskirts and getting no protection from N.A.’s started a civil war in Virginia William Berkeley: Governor in Virginia during Bacon’s Rebellion Middle Passage: Passage of slaves from Africa to America 20% would perish Slave Codes: Statutes and decrees that made Africans and their children property for life Half-Way Covenant: Churches admit people to baptism but not “full communion” Salem Witch Trials: 1692
Chapter 5: The Great Awakening From the late 1730s to the 1760s a great wave of religious enthusiasm swept over large parts of Britain's North American colonies. This outburst of religious fervor set the precedent for what became a recurrent and distinctive feature of American religious life: revivalism.