08/27 Bellringer 5+ sentences There was quite a bit of competition for exploration and settlement rights in the "New World" in the 1500s and 1600s. Imagine that a country other than Great Britain had settled the 13 colonies. What do you think life would be like if France, Spain, Portugal, or the Netherlands had created the 13 colonies instead of the British? What would we eat, wear and do for fun?
H-a-P-P Analysis
H-A-P-P Historical Context What is happening specific to the document and within the larger historical context that could influence this document Audience Whom is the author addressing, and how will that impact what is being written? Point of View Who was the person, and what was their opinion? Perspective What is the purpose of creating this document?
Analysis of Bartolome de las Casas Read through the handout on Bartolome de las Casas At your tables, discuss the H.A.P.P of the document As an individual, write a H.A.P.P analysis for the document. This will include a few sentences for each category: Historical Context Audience Point of View Perspective Please turn this in when completed (finish at home if needed)
Settlement of the “New World” I.Pre-Columbian Societies II.European Exploration III.Spanish Empire IV.Dutch and French Settlement V.Columbian Exchange
IV. Dutch and French Settlement Spain was the only successful colonizer until after the defeat of the Spanish armada in 1588
A. Dutch Settlement Primarily in Caribbean and Hudson River Valley Plantation system (patroonship) similar to the Spanish Encomienda system Eventually lost land to British
A. Dutch settlement Dutch excluded anyone who wasn’t a member of the Dutch Reformed Church Colonies were run by the Dutch Company, a stockholding company
B. French Settlement Mostly Canada and central US Focused on fur trade Few towns Better relations with Native Americans French Jesuits focused on conversion to Christianity Direct Royal Colonial Charter, so King had control
V. Be familiar with this definition