Current and Future Space X-ray astronomy Missions in China Chen Zhang represent Prof. Shuang-Nan Zhang Institute of High Energy Physics National Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences
AXRO 2009, Prague2 Space X-ray Astronomy Matter under extreme conditions Formation of structure Life cycle of matter and energy
An overview of Space astronomy Missions in China Still no space astronomy satellite launched up to now Focusing on high energy astrophysics and solar physics, developing the space optics, radio, gravitational wave and dark matter detection. Strengthen international cooperation Recent scientific programs –“Black Hole Probe” (BHP): HXMT, SVOM, Polar –“Diagnostics of Astro-Oscillations” (DAO): XTP,… –“Portraits of Astrophysical Objects” (PAO), dark matter detection, solar microscope, solar portraits AXRO 2009, Prague3 Prof. S.N. Zhang is the coordinator of BHP, DAO and PAO programs.
AXRO 2009, Prague The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope: planned for launch around Ready for Phase C/D: 2007: official announcement of selection as China’s first dedicated astronomy; 2008: completion of phase A. Full funding decision not made yet! 4 Based on the direct demodulation (DD) method
AXRO 2009, Prague Broad band (1-250 keV) and large collection area (5000 cm keV) Hard X-ray full sky survey A high precision hard X-ray sky map About 1000 new hard X-ray sources Diffuse background and cosmic variance Discover highly obscured supermassive BHs Pointed observations of high energy sources Dynamics and radiation near compact objects: X- ray binaries, AGNs, SGRs Clusters of galaxies, GRBs, SNRs Main science of HXMT 5
AXRO 2009, Prague HXMT full sky survey 1 year exposure map1 year exposure map 6
Power spectrum Light curve HXMT Pointed Observation AXRO 2009, Prague7
AXRO 2009, Prague Low Energy X-ray Instrument (LE) (1-15 keV) SCD, 384 cm 2 Medium Energy X-ray Instrument (ME) (5-30 keV) SiPIN, 952 cm 2 Detectors onboard High Energy X-ray Instrument (HE) ( keV) NaI(Ti)/CsI(Na) crystal 18 modules, 5000 cm 2 8
AXRO 2009, Prague DetectorsLE: SCD, 384 cm 2 ;ME : Si-PIN, 952 cm 2 HE : NaI/CsI, 5000 cm 2 Energy RangeLE: 1-15 keV;ME: 5-30 keV;HE: keV Time ResolutionHE: 25μs; ME: 20μs;LE: 1ms Energy ResolutionLE: 6 keV (goal: 2.2%) ME: 20 keV (goal: 5%) HE: 60 keV (goal: 17%) Field of View of one module 5.7°×1.1°; 5.7°×2.2° Angular Resolution< 5' (20σ source) Source Location<1' (20σ source) Sensitivity (3σ, in 10 5 s)LE: 4.4×10 -5 cts cm -2 s -1 keV –1 ME: 2.6×10 -5 cts cm -2 s -1 keV –1 HE: 3×10 -7 cts cm -2 s -1 keV –1 OrbitAltitude: ~550 km ; Inclination: ~43° Payload Mass~1000 kg Nominal Lifetime4 years HXMT characteristics 9
AXRO 2009, Prague HXMT HE characteristics
AXRO 2009, Prague China-France joint GRB mission: SVOM Main Science –GRBs: Diversity and unity, Radiation processes, Early afterglow, GRB-supernova connection, Short GRB progenitors –Cosmology and Fundamental Physics : Star formation, Host galaxies, Cosmological parameters, Probing Lorentz invariance… 11
AXRO 2009, Prague China-France joint GRB mission: SVOM 12 ECLAIRs: Hard X- ray Imager keV VT: 45 cm Visible Telescope Service platform Star sensor GRM: Gamma- Ray Monitor keV (IHEP) XIAO : Soft X-ray Telescope keV Status phase A has ended phase B to start soon reviews completed from both sides China & France funding approved Planned launch in
AXRO 2009, Prague13 InstrumentBand, (keV) GRB/yr, at z > 6 IBIS, INTEGRAL BAT, Swift ECLAIRs, SVOM China-France joint GRB mission: SVOM Goals (beyond Swift) Higher redshift GRBs (with ECLAIRs) Deeper and more uniform sampling of optical afterglows (with XIAO & VT) Better E_peak measurements (with GRM)
GRB prompt emission polarization: one of the last observables of GRBs Different GRB models –E-M Model: well defined, moderate P lin ~ 50% –Fireball Model: high values excluded P lin ~ % –Cannon ball Model: full range possible P lin = % Probe quantum gravity (???): –Amelino-Camelia G., 2000, Nature, 408, 661 –Piran T, 2005, Lect. Notes Phys, 669, 351 –Fan, Y-Z; Wei, D-M; Xu, D. 2007, MNRAS, 376, AXRO 2009, Prague14 See papers discussing various GRB models: T. Piran, A. Dar, M. Lyutikov, D. Eichler, G. Ghisellini, D. Lazzatti, M. Medvedev, E. Rossi etc. From M. Lyutikov, Gamma-ray burst polarization experiment onboard China’s Spacelab: POLAR
Onboard China’s spacelab TG-2: launch time A China-led international collaboration (Switzerland, France, Poland) FOV of POLAR: ~½ sky AXRO 2009, Prague Tian-Gong 天宫 Palace in Heaven Plastic scintillator stacks 15 Instrument concept proposed by N. Produit, et al., NIM (2005)
POLAR capability summary 10 GRBs per year down to 8%, or10 GRBs per year down to 8%, or 60 GRBs per year down to 30%, or 100 GRBs per year down to 50% polarization, if all POLAR GRBs are localized independently to ~degrees accuracy by other GRB instruments.60 GRBs per year down to 30%, or 100 GRBs per year down to 50% polarization, if all POLAR GRBs are localized independently to ~degrees accuracy by other GRB instruments AXRO 2009, Prague16
X-ray Timing and Polarization (XTP) mission AXRO 2009, Prague Science Precise Light curve: Matter under extreme conditions, Neutron Star state equation, BH basic parameters formation and growth … Polarization of X-ray: Radiation mechanism… Diffuse X-ray emission, Gas distribution in Galaxy … Goal The most sensitive light curve and polarization observation at 1-30 keV Effective area Low energy end, keV, the same about IXO High energy end, keV, ~ 10 times of IXO 17
X-ray Timing and Polarization (XTP) mission AXRO 2009, Prague 1.Using a large array of small telescopes to achieve a very large collection area competitive w.r.t. IXO for temporal and spectral studies of X-ray binaries and bright AGNs. 2.Sacrifice angular resolution (~1’) in exchange for large collection area technically easier 18 Hard X-ray polarization telescope Soft X-ray telescope Soft X-ray polarization telescope All-sky monitor Hard X-ray telescope
Shuang-Nan University of Ferrara, Italy19 HERO concept: High Energy Replicated Optics – Small Aperture, Short Focal Length and Shallow Grazing Incidence Using a small mirror array to achieve a large collection area: technically more feasible than single large mirror. Ramsey et al, SPIE 2000 Full-shell shallow-graze-angle iridium-coated replicated mirrors Complex coating procedures avoided Requirements for mirror surface quality relaxed
Shuang-Nan University of Ferrara, Italy20 MCP X-ray Optics Pore glass coated with Iridium: extremely light weight, compact and robust (Fraser et al 2009)
XTP timeline and funding 2010 R&D (Phase 0, A) –CAST and IHEP XTP platform: € 50 K –IHEP detector: € 180 K –CAS XTP Phase 0, A: € 500 K –NSFC detector and mirror: € 320 K –NAOC X-ray lab: € 400 K (applied) : Phase B 2018 launch: before IXO AXRO 2009, Prague21
Summarization “Black Hole Probe” program –HXMT: hard X-ray observation, around –SVOM: GRB, –Polar: GRB polarization, “Diagnostics of Astro-Oscillations” program –XTP: Light curve and polarization, Phase A “Portraits of Astrophysical Objects”, dark matter detection, solar microscope, solar portrait AXRO 2009, Prague22