29 August, 2011 Beijing, China Space science missions related to ILWS in China
Contents Main themes and questions need to be answered ILWS missions in the next 5 years Missions planned till 2020 Summary
How did the planets in solar system originate and how do they evolve? How does solar activity transmit and evolve in interplanetary space ? How does solar activity affect earth space environment ? What is the nature of solar micro- phenomena? What is the nature of solar macro- phenomena? What is the origin and evolvement of solar system, and its relationship with the sun? How do the various spheres of Earth interact and evolve? What will the earth system develop into the future? Can human beings live beyond the earth system? Theme: What is the relationship between solar system and human beings? How does the earth system evolve? What is the nature of solar activity? Questions to be answered under the themes
ILWS missions in the next 5 years ILWS missions in the next 5 years
Sino-Russian Mars Exploration (YH-1) An agreement has been reached between the Chinese and Russian Space Agencies in March 2007 to piggy-back launch a Chinese micro-satellite “Ying Huo-1” (YH-1) together with Phobos-Grunt. Launch: YH-1 Total mass115kg Power supply 150W (average) 200W (instant ) Orbit 800×80000Km 3-axis stabilized, deployable solar panel inclination< 20 ° Science objectives: To study in details the plasma environment and magnetic fields of Martian space; To study Martian ionosphere profile, particularly on the day and night sides; To study the relation between sand storm and ionosphere; To improve the Martian gravity field near equator plane.
Sino-Russian Mars Exploration (YH-1)
KUAFU Scientific Objectives : To observe the complete chain of disturbance from the solar atmosphere to the geo-space: Solar flares, CMEs, Interplanetary clouds, shock waves, Their geo-effectiveness, such as sub-storms and magnetic storms, aurora activities KUAFU-A Payloads Instrument Mass (kg) Power (w) Data Rate (bps) EUV/FUV Disk Imager k Coronal Dynamics Imager35 50k Radio Burst Instrument12104k Solar Wind Instrument Package664k Solar Energetic Particle Sensor8101k X-ray/γ-ray Detector351k Total
Missions planned till 2020
China’s roadmap for space science to Space Astronomy Solar Physics Dark Matter Detection Space Physics Solar System Exploration Micro-gravity Science / Space Life Science Earth Observation HXMT Dark Matter Particle Detection Satellite KUAFU Lunar Exploration ( landing ) YH-1 Experiments on SJ-10, QUESS, and manned space XTP Solar Microscope Detection Dark Matter Detection (onboard space station) MIT SPORT Lunar Exploration ( Sample return ) Mars Exploration ( orbiting ) Near Space Atmosphere Research Satellite Make use of foreign satellite data Balloon Sounding in Antarctica DSP Lunar Exploration ( orbiting ) Experiments on recoverable satellite, micro-gravity drop tower, and manned space Make use of foreign satellite data Earth observation & application satellite data Experiments on space station
Scientific Objectives : To understand the origin, acceleration and transport of ionospheric ions into the magnetosphere; To investigate the importance of the outflows from the ionosphere/thermosphere on the geomagnetic substorm/storm dynamics; To examine global multi-scale variations during geomagnetic storms; To reveal the key mechanisms of coupling among the magnetosphere – ionosphere – thermosphere coupling system. Magnetosphere - Ionosphere - Thermosphere Coupling Exploration (MIT) Mission Configuration Description LEO1/2circle orbit / 700 km MEOcircle orbit / 6660 km HEOcircle orbit / km One Configuration : T1:T2:T3 = 1: 2.5: 5
Solar Polar Orbit Radio Telescope (SPORT) Science Objectives: SPORT will be the first mission to image the propagation of CME continuously off the ecliptic plane. Specific science objectives are the followings To characterize the propagation and evolution of CME events; To establish the chain physical model and prediction model of interplanetary space and geospace weather in response to CME and its interplanetary disturbance response; To derive the physical parameters of plasmas inside the CME; To detect in-situ the distribution of solar wind in the interplanetary space and develop a model of the magnetic topology, temperature, density, and velocity structure of the solar wind; To understand the interaction process of magnetic field and plasmas; To detect solar short-time radio bursts and establish the chain change physical model. Orbit realizationa Ulysses type solar polar orbit Inclination89.96 ° perihelion0.52AU aphelion5.4AU
Summary China is paying more attention to space science. Sun Earth relation is an important area for space science YH-1 and KUAFU are current missions under development and prepare to kick off for engineering phase MIT and SPORT are selected for background study now and aiming to be launched during
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