Developing QueryContent for IBIS-PH
Let’s check a few things. 1.Do you have a “Q:\” drive mapped to the backend ibis-q server?
2.Do you have an apache-tomcat folder on your C:\ drive?
Open the webapps folder, and then the ibisph- view folder.
3.Do you have a Tomcat startup icon on your desktop? What happens when you click on it?
4.Open a browser window and put this in the address bar: What happens?
Files Maintained by PH Staff: IBIS-Q IBIS-Admin IBIS-View IBIS-Q
Web Basics web Client / Internet User… …sends request (URL)… … to Web server. …to Client / Internet User. …sends response (HTML)… Web server IBIS-PH Welcome to IBIS-PH; Utah's Public Health Data Resource...
10 System/Software Components ibisph-view interface IBIS XML, XSLT files IBIS CGI app IBIS-Q CGI App SAS SAS for server Data SAS Data Sets web IBIS System Back-end SAS/IBIS-q Server ibisph-view on Tomcat app Server
NM Data Users 2013 New Mexico Department of Health 12
13 System/Software Components ibisph-view interface IBIS XML, XSLT files IBIS CGI app IBIS-Q CGI App SAS SAS for server Data SAS Data Sets web IBIS System Back-end SAS/IBIS-q Server ibisph-view on Tomcat app Server
IBIS-Q Custom Query System html IBIS-Admin IBIS-View IBIS-Q
17 System/Software Components ibisph-view interface IBIS XML, XSLT files IBIS CGI app IBIS-Q CGI App SAS SAS for server Data SAS Data Sets web IBIS System Back-end SAS/IBIS-q Server ibisph-view on Tomcat app Server
The Query URL config=E%3A%5Cibisq%5CqModules%5Cbirth%5CBirth 12.cfg &sas=0&test=0&func=NM_BirthRate.def &data_where=15%3C%3Dmage%3C%3D17 &pop_where=16%3C%3Dagegrp35%3C%3D18+and+sex %3D2+and+1990%3C%3DYear%3C%3D2012 &GeoProxy=GeoCnty &Year=2012&GeoRes=1&cross1=GeoProxy &func=NM_BirthRate.def&data_where=15%3C%3Dmage%3C%3D17&pop_where=16%3C%3Dagegrp35%3C%3D18+and+s ex%3D2+and+1990%3C%3DYear%3C%3D2012&GeoProxy=GeoCnty&Year=2012&GeoRes=1&cross1=GeoProxy
IBIS-Q Custom Query System IBIS-Admin IBIS-View IBIS-Q
IBIS-Q Custom Query System IBIS-Admin IBIS-View IBIS-Q html
Results include query filter criteria, a data table...
Quick Review
Web Basics web Client / Internet User… …sends request (URL)… … to Web server. …to Client / Internet User. …sends response (HTML)… Web server IBIS-PH Welcome to IBIS-PH; Utah's Public Health Data Resource...
25 System/Software Components ibisph-view interface IBIS XML, XSLT files IBIS CGI app IBIS-Q CGI App SAS SAS for server Data SAS Data Sets web IBIS System Back-end SAS/IBIS-q Server ibisph-view on Tomcat app Server
IBIS-Q, Back- end file structure
Back- end Query Module Files
HANDS-ON creating a CFG file
IBIS-Q Modules Directory Module.CFG file (crosswalk between IBIS-view, IBIS-q and SAS) e.g., ibisq\qModules\mort\ MortUSET11.cfg.DEF files (SAS templates) e.g., ibisq\qModules\mort\Count.def.MAP files (define content of SAS output for IBIS-q to create xml version) e.g., and.TAIL files (xml wrapper elements) XMLResponse.head XMLResponse.tail
Variable Mapping Table #valuename_sasname_htmlname_popprompttype1type2length 21bbthyearYearyearYearnum04 31magegrpMomAgeGrpmagegrpMother's&Agenum04 32medugrpMomEdunullMother's&Educationnum04 33mmaritalMomMarnullMother's&Marital&Statusnum04 34btobacynMomTobaccoUsenullMother's&Tobacco&Usenum04 35balchoynMomAlcoholUsenullMother's&Alcohol&Usenum04 72brescntyGeoCntycountyCountynum04
Comments Inside Each.CFG File
TotalFertRate.DEF This is an excerpt from the SAS template (.DEF) file that runs the total fertility rate measure. The CGI App creates a SAS program from this template and the additional information in the query URL and Module.cfg file.
Example.MAP File XMLPercentNumerDenomLCLUCL.MAP
Front-end, Interface Files: Module.XML Files
View Application (Interface) XML File Structure C:\apache-tomcat \webapps\ibisph-view\WEB-INF\xml\query\module\mort
Module.xml Files Selection Page.XML file BirthSelection.XML Module.XML files BirthBirthCnty.XML BirthPopCnty.XML AdolBirth15_17.XML PNCTri1.XML etc. …
…xml\query\module\birth\ BirthSelection.XML
…xml\query\module\birth\ AdolBirthCnty.xml