1 OICC MCIWEST Officer in Charge of Construction Marine Corps Installations West
3 OICC MCIWEST “In Box” 144 Active MILCON/M2R2 projects for $1.1B MCB Camp Pendleton: 68 projects ~ $677M MCAS Pendleton: 6 projects ~ $19.4M MCAGTFTC Twentynine Palms: 31 projects ~ $184M MCAS Miramar: 14 projects ~ $85.6M MCAS Yuma: 17 projects ~ $74.4M MCLB Barstow: 6 projects ~ $14.5M MCLB Bridgeport: 2 Projects ~$3.5M
4 OICC MCIWEST OICC MCIWEST Programs Grow the Force - $3,000,000,000 (That’s $3.0 Billion) Bachelor Enlisted Quarters – 49 BEQs $1.7B
5 OICC MCIWEST West Project Laydown FY09 42 Projects $1.1B 1 $19M 4 $146M 8 $120M 26 $800M 09 1 $8M BEQ Project Other MILCON Project 09
6 OICC MCIWEST West Project Laydown FY10 52 Projects $1.5B 2 $29M 21 $536M 3 $80M 2 $36M $1105M 10 BEQ Project Other MILCON Project 10 2 $7M MCMWTC Bridgeport
7 OICC MCIWEST Grow The Force Initiative
8 OICC MCIWEST BEQ Initiative The Old: –1950’s BEQs –Open Bays, Gang Heads
9 OICC MCIWEST Best of Breed Exterior Positive, home-like appearance Building masses broken up into smaller portions, creating more of a campus like and community feel Breezeways Sports courts, BBQs Complies with BEAP Interior Hotel-like lobby at the entrance to the building Maximize natural ventilation in sleeping rooms Maximize storage space Telephone, cable and satellite TV Enhanced activity centers with gaming, internet, big screen TV, laundry rooms Ceiling fans, color schemes BEQ Initiative The New:
10 OICC MCIWEST Buildings LEED Silver Certification required for all FY09 new construction projects or renovation > 50% PRV 3 LEED Silver Certified projects to be completed by summer 2009 MCCS Temporary Lodging Facility 14% more efficient than Title 24 requirements, 30% water use reduction Wastewater P-002 Southern Region Tertiary Treatment Plant – capable of treating 5 MGD MCB P-110 Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Conveyance Systems saving 100 MGY using recycled water for irrigation Green Initiatives
11 OICC MCIWEST Water MCAS Miramar is saving 30 million gallons of potable water per year by using recycled water for irrigation, dust control, construction use Irrigation accounts for 60% of water load at Miramar. Converting to a central irrigation control system which monitors and accounts for rain fall has cut irrigation expense by half Power Installation of 23kW PV array to reduce net power consumption Solar powered speed limit sign installation in housing areas Installation of 5KV photovoltaic system to gym facility offsets power requirements from grid Green Initiatives
12 OICC MCIWEST Green Initiatives Wind Turbine 1.5MW $6.1M / $1.5M SCE rebates Photovoltaic Lights 50 PV Lights on Base