The Family and the Home Part 4: The Role of Children in the Home.


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Presentation transcript:

The Family and the Home Part 4: The Role of Children in the Home.

As God designed the Universe with a purpose… …So He designed the

Introduction Children need to be taught how to fulfill their role according to God’s pattern.  God designed it so that children dwell with their parents for a reason.  Not torture, but a blessing. When children are taught to fulfill their role in God’s pattern they can bring great joy and honor…  To themselves (Prov. 1:8-9).  And to the family (Prov. 23:22-25).

Heed Parent’s Instruction Children are in training to be adults.  They cannot afford to go without such training.  To reject the instruction of parents is to reject God!

Training of Parents Truth (God) LoveRighteousnessFaithfulnessResponsibilityMaturity To be Trained in… A child who rejects these is a child who rejects life!

Heed Parent’s Instruction Children’s role is to learn the instruction of parents (truth, righteousness, faithfulness, maturity). So that they may function as mature, responsible adults.  Prov. 22:6  Eph. 6:4

Heed Parent’s Instruction Thus, children need parents for more than a roof over their heads. God has given us eighteen or more years to learn from the instruction of our parents. We would be foolish to waste that time trying to break free.

Heed Parent’s Instruction Without parents we would be lost, destitute, clueless. Some children are embarrassed by parents…  Most of the time, this is because the children are the ones who don’t know anything. Children need to understand what life would be like without their parents.  You need them.  By fighting them you are fighting God’s gift to you.

Heed Parent’s Instruction Therefore, there is wisdom in listening to the instructions of parents.  Prov. 13:1: The wise son.  Prov. 5:7-14: The foolish son. The next time your parents try to teach you something, remember… “But he who hates correction is stupid” (Prov. 12:1).

Obey Parents With instruction comes the need to obey. This is good and right in the sight of God  Eph. 6:1  Col. 3:20

Obey Parents Men were created with the need to obey God.  Jer. 10:23: “It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.”  Eccl. 12:13: “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.” Obedience to parents as children is training for obedience to God as adults. Children who think this does not apply to them will suffer many hardships because of their disobedience.

Need for Obedience (Chaos instead of Cosmos)

Need for Obedience (Chaos instead of Cosmos)

Obey Parents Children, obey your parents in the Lord. Your life will be easier. You will avoid many mistakes. Though you may not see it now, when you can look back you will be thankful.

Learn of God and Cleanse their way Even with the instruction of parents children make mistakes. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Therefore parents need to be teaching their children about God and His righteousness (Eccl. 12:1). Children also need to learn about repentance. So that they may learn to “cleanse their way” (Ps. 119:9).

Honor Father and Mother Eph. 6:2: Honor father and mother. While young, honor in thought (hight esteem) and in action (through obedience). When older, show that honor by caring for your parents (1 Tim. 5:3, 4).  “…let them repay their parents.” “This is good and acceptable before God.”

Conclusion The years we spend with our parents is meant to be a blessing to us.  It only becomes “torture” when we are too busy kicking and screaming to realize what we have.  Such is foolishness and narrow-mindedness. But if you value your life then you will consider God’s pattern for you in your family. Then you will understand the great blessing God has given you.