Telling Our Stories
Through Art and Writing
Lesson 5: Multicultural Word Weaves
Multicultural Word Weaves Create writing and art inspired by proverbs from 26 different countries and cultures.
Lesson Objective Students will use their understanding of proverbs to create a personal connection and a work of art.
Choose one proverb and write about how it relates to your life.
Student Workbook page 16 Make a list of ten words from your free write that call your attention.
Student Workbook Circle the ONE word that holds the most meaning for you – your “essence word.”
Student Workbook Briefly tell why it is the most meaningful word to you.
Make 5 to 8 vertical cuts in your free-write paper. Don’t cut all the way through!
Make 8 to 10 horizontal cuts in your oil pastel drawing.
Weave them together.
Put tape on back at top and bottom.
Glue onto mat paper. On the bottom, sign and add your “essence word” title.
Watch a video of student work: