NEVER SAY TOMORROW! (Eph ) - Christian's Time Management- March 16, 2008
"Free Lunch tomorrow!" Do you know why the lunch was not given freely? The sign said "TOMORROW, not TODAY!" TOMORROW WILL ALWAYS BE TOMORROW!!
"TOMORROW may be too LATE." Today's Bible text says: "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth." (Proverbs 27:1)
* Sayings about time (Dr. Elmer Towns): "Using Time Wisely." a. Don't cry over spilled milk. b. Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. c. Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, and today is cash. d. In childhood time CREEPS, to teens time WALKS, to young adults time RUNS, to the middle aged time FLIES, to old age time FLASHES.
* Practical Sayings on time: # 1. T ime( 시간 ) ① Time is Money. ② Everyone has the same amount of time for today. ③ Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.
# 2. I nvest( 투자 ) ① We can't save time, we only invest it. ② If we don't use time, we lose it. ③ Where we invest our time reveals our priorities. ④ To say, I spend quality time is a misnomer, because all time has the same quality.
# 3. M anage( 경영 ) ① Our life time comes from God, we manage it for Him. ② Time management is a misnomer; the key is not to manage time but to manage ourselves. ③ You've got the same amount of time as everyone else does. ④ If you don't manage your time, someone else will manage it for you. ⑤ If you manage your time for God, He can manage your life.
To manage our time efficiently we should do the following: 1) Make a to-do list. 2) Prioritize the list. 3) Choose your task, don't let them/it choose you. 4) Determine the time to finish a task. 5) Don't take all day, value your time. 6) Don't put off today's jobs for tomorrow, it may never come. 7) Have resting time and place in your schedule.
# 4. E njoy( 즐김 ) ① There will always be something else to do. ② When you say yes to a certain time, you say no to another time.
We should be aware of the following when we have opportunities from God: ① God wants you to understand how to use time profitably. ② God wants you to buy your future. ③ God expects you to use your mind to control your time.
Our greatest time is yet to come! Our greatest time is yet to come in heaven! Our greatest time is yet to come in heaven in God's presence!
John Wesley: “On the Judgment Day, God will judge us whether we used our time and money wisely. God gave these to all of us.”
* Conclusion: Tomorrow may not be yours. Tomorrow may be too late!! You can NEVER say TOMORROW!
Just do your best to utilize your present time!!! Let us use your time for God, His name and his glory. He will remember your sacrifice and commitment and pay you back!!!!