1 Five Colleges of Ohio Cooperative Collection Building CBTF Fall Program October, 2005
2 The Five Colleges of Ohio, Inc. Denison University Kenyon College Oberlin College Ohio Wesleyan University The College of Wooster
3 Ohio5 Formal consortium Cooperation intra- and extra-library Shared online catalog, CONSORT OhioLINK membership Courier service
4 CONSORT Colleges Grant for CCD Info at web site default.html
5 Lesson 1 No one likes to be at the bottom – especially when you are competitors
6 Lesson 2 Need to have a few people who are passionate about the project and are empowered to take leadership
7 Lesson 3 Not all successful cooperative collection building has to involve all members of the consortium
8 Lesson 4 A project has the best chance for success if it has a specific goal and if each library can set their own policies and procedures to accomplish the goal
9 Progress … Ideas that might apply to OhioLINK Subject Group collaboration
10 Older material CONStor storage facility Library of record for JSTOR print, ACS & PROLA Last copy policy
11 Future purchasing Disciplinary frameworks
12 Disciplinary Frameworks What resources do we have available now and how are they used (data)? What are instructional emphases? What are faculty and student research interests? What resources are needed to build on what we have and serve our needs?
13 Framework - Religious Studies Investigate influencing JSTOR to add specific RS titles Expand purchase of “religious aspects” titles outside of BL-BX Seek ways to strengthen preservation of historical denominational collections Identify web sites with full text of religious scriptures
14 Framework : Environmental Studies What resources do we have available now and how are they used (data)? What are instructional emphases? What are faculty and student research interests? What resources are needed to build on what we have and serve our needs? Impact of interdisciplinary nature of topic
15 For more information..
16 For more information.. Eric Carpenter, Collection Development Librarian Oberlin College Margo Warner Curl, Technical Services Librarian The College of Wooster Libraries