Great Bear Workshop Monday, June 27 th A Visual Story Breakfast by Stephanie B. Log read by Lindsay “Life is one sweet song, so start the music” Writing prompt by Jessica
Glenda shared her thoughts on song lyrics and how the “Little Things” and “I Love How You Love Me” were important in her life. Workshop : Thinking in Pictures by Jessica Saum Jessica coordinated a workshop which would help us understand how people with Autism view the world and the information in it. We watched several clips with Temple Grandin and then each created a social schedule for our “student.”
We had a brief commercial about shoes from Steph V. The class members took some time to participate in surveys, both for NWP and for Great Bear.
Lunch possibilities were discussed. Idioms and colloquialisms were shared. Inquiry groups met to discuss their presentations. The class members gathered for “Author’s Chair”
Pam shared her story generated by the song “King of Anything” Liz read a portion of her eerie story Weeji shared her social story about the science lab Glenda shared a story about her grandad’s eye and the white shoe polish
Weeji shared a story about how her daughter made her see the beauty in everything, especially words And Pam shared a snippet about “Myrecka Springs” Deb Moore made us all chuckle over her short piece called “Blocked”. We were all reminded that it takes just as much energy to write a boring piece of work as it does to write a good one.