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A Weed Is a Flower Vocabulary Words college agriculture laboratory greenhouse Amazing Words excel process research opportunity accomplish original scientist unusual
A Weed Is a Flower Amazing Words
excel ex – cel When you excel at something, you’re better than most people at it. Kayla excels at math. Inventors excel in creative thinking.
process proc – ess When you process something, you prepare it by following a set of steps. My raincoat has been processed to make it waterproof. People process peanuts into many things, including shaving cream and shampoo.
research re – search Research means a very careful investigation or hunting for facts. I did a lot of research to make sure the facts in my report about weather were correct. People found many ways to use peanuts through research.
opportunity op – por – tu - ni – ty An opportunity is a good chance or a favorable time. We had an opportunity to go to a movie on Saturday. Will we have an opportunity to have a play date this week?
accomplish ac – com - plish When you accomplish something, you succeed in carrying it out or finishing it. The mayor of our town accomplished many important things. She was proud she accomplished so much in only an hour.
original o – rig - i – nal Something that is original is the only one of its kind or the first of something. We use my grandmother’s original recipe for those delicious cookies. A copy machine makes copies of an original paper.
scientist sci – en – tist A scientist is a person who is trained in science and is an expert in it. Scientists have discovered many things about the world we live in.
unusual un – u – su – al Something that is unusual is not usual or not ordinary. The children made an unusual barbecue sauce when they were trying to act like scientists.
Vocabulary Words college – a school of learning to attend after high schoolcollege agriculture – having to do with farmingagriculture laboratory – a place where tests and experiments are donelaboratory greenhouse – a building with glass or plastic sides where plants are kept warm greenhouse Next slide
college Auburn UniversityUniversity of Alabama Northeast Alabama Community College
Vocabulary Words college, agriculture, laboratory, greenhouse We grow plants in the _____ when it is cold outside. greenhouse I want to study _____ when I grow up. agriculture
Vocabulary Words college, agriculture, laboratory, greenhouse One day I will go to ____ to learn more about plants. college There I will study seeds and plants in a ______. laboratory
A Weed Is a Flower High Frequency Words clothes only hours question money taught neighbor
High-Frequency Words rhymes with flowers hours rhymes with honey money I wasn’t sure how to answer the ____. question I was the ____ one who raise my hand. only
High-Frequency Words My mom ____ school for twelve years. taught My pants and shirts are too small so I will have to buy some new ____. clothes Mr. Johnson is our next door ____. neighbor
High-Frequency Words only, money, neighbor, hours, clothes, taught, question My old ____ are too small, so I will have to get new ones. clothes My next door ____ lets me play with her dog. neighbor
High-Frequency Words only, money, neighbor, hours, clothes, taught, question Can you please repeat the ____ you asked? question This is your one and _____ chance to get it right. only My dad _____ me how to fly a kite. taught
High-Frequency Words only, money, neighbor, hours, clothes, taught, question How many more ___ will we drive before we get there? hours I did extra chores so I could earn some _____. money
High Frequency Word Review only answer clothes school hours people taught their question parents money washed neighbor enough
Let’s Talk about Creative Ideas
Cause and Effect Most things happen for a reason. Good readers ask themselves what happens and why it happens. Paying attention to why things happen helps you understand what you read.
Cause and Effect Most things happen for a reason. Good readers ask themselves what happens and why it happens. Look for clue words that signal causes, such as so and because.