Engobi Pink Jacket Creative for Integrated Advertising, Promotion & Marketing Communications 7e Clow & Baack 1
BackgroundBackground Produced by Rudolph Foods Company First caffeine-infused snack chip 2
Pink Jacket Creative Full-service marketing agency Founded in 2005 Elena BacaBill Breedlove 3
Pink Jacket Creative Elena and Bill explaining the campaign. Elena Baca Bill Breedlove 4
The Right Size Idea “Big Idea – how many times have you heard these words thrown around by ad agencies? Since when do ideas have to be super-sized or complicated? At Pink Jacket Creative, we have a different idea – the right size idea. The right size idea fits perfectly. It speaks to your audience, reaches your goals and overcomes your obstacles. And it takes many different forms.” - Pink Jacket Creative 5
The Challenge Needed way to reach consumers (without huge media budget) Traditional media mix out Sampling was key First caffeine-infused snack chip Needed a sampling experience that lasted more than the average 1 second 6
The Team Cross-functional team established Generate ideas Needed ideas that integrated: Branding | Design | Events | New media | Public relations 7
The Concept Every energy product screams extreme something Did not want to imitate “extreme” Needed to break away from “energy extreme” clutter Thinking Turns to Ideas Impressed with science in developing Engobi People who invented it are smart People who eat it are pretty hip Needed to blend smart with hip Blend two cultures Geek Chic Brand 8
The Engobi Girl Needed strong mnemonic device Cinnamon and lemon flavor-inspired beehive hair Nerdy glasses Quasi-sexy lab coat Fishnet stockings Geek Chic Brand 9
The Website Vital to launching Engobi brand New product New category Nobody knew what it was about Say more on website than 30-second ad Used website for –Product information –Consumer education tour –Announcements –Promote “Don’t Be Piano Hero” contest 10
The Contest Idea of people sending videos playing Guitar Hero Best performer wins Fender Stratocaster guitar converted to a game controller Client’s attorneys – can’t mention Guitar Hero game Now What? “We just started saying that we have this great contest with a cool video game. We can’t tell you the name of the game, but what we can say is it isn’t Piano Hero!” The contest went on. 11
The Buzz Public Relations Generated Buzz In: –Media –Sampling event Story Picked Up In: –Local media –National media –International media 12
The Street Teams Put Engobi Girls on street Create more buzz Impossible to ignore Increased average sampling to 8 seconds 13
The Human Vending Machine How to reach goal of 18-second sampling experience Take Engobi Girl Put her inside vending machine Have her give away samples Watch frenzy Average sampling experience 26 seconds 14
The Street Buzz: Taking Videos 15
The Street Buzz: Taking Photos 16
The Street Buzz: Calling Friends 17
The Street Buzz: Vending Machine 18
Street Buzz Sampling 26 seconds average sampling experience 19
The Street Buzz: Taking Photos 20
The Street Buzz: Subway Stairs 21
The Street Buzz: Subway Stairs 22
Campaign Results Product blogged on 800 blogs within 48 hours Product picked up by 3600 retailers in NYC 23